Hitman Admits To Killing 30 Americans, Paid For By Drug Cartels

Mr. Conservative – by Warner Todd Huston

Jose Manuel Martinez claims to have been a hired gun for a Mexican drug cartel and recently confessed to having killed 30 Americans across the United States over the last 20 years.

The alleged killer was apprehended trying to cross the border into Mexico in Arizona and was extradited to Alabama where he faces charges.  

Police report that the 51-year-old Martinez told them details of multiple murders that seem spot on. He is connected to at least 10 murders in California and two in Florida.

“Everything he’s telling us has checked out,” said Capt. Tim McWhorter, of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department. “He knows all the details. He’s spot-on with the specifics of a crime.”

(See also: State Department Accused of Covering Up Drug And Prostitution Activity)

McWhorter says that Martinez said that the first time he ever killed someone was when he was a teen over 30 years ago.

The suspect claimed he was hired to kill over unpaid drug debts but also said he killed in retaliation for things done to his family members back in Mexico. He also said he killed child predators, presumably because he just didn’t like them.

Martiniez has thus far refused to tell police for which drug cartel he was working all that time.

Sheriff’s investigators are particularly interested in a 2006 case where two men were found bound and gagged and shot multiple times in a truck that was abandoned along a road in Florida.

(See also: Obama Apologizes To Mexicans For U.S. Drug Violence & Crime, Forgets Fast & Furious)

DNA left on a cigarette inside a soda can left at the 2006 scene tested positive for Martinez, police say.

“If I didn’t do the job, someone would have,” Martinez said.

The alleged killer is a Mexican national but had obtained legal status in the U.S.

(See also: United States Citizenship No Longer Required To Sit On A California Jury)

Is this more of the stuff we should expect with immigration “reform”? You tell us.


One thought on “Hitman Admits To Killing 30 Americans, Paid For By Drug Cartels

  1. to all up and coming car thieves
    careful whose car you steal
    it could cost you your life
    as it did for three young
    men in our area

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