January 11, 2021
Transfection – IT CAN change your genetic code with a synthetic code.
Dr Carrie Madej explains this is not a vaccine, it is transfection – and we have a Supreme Court Justice ruling saying that by law, the organization or entity or individual that owns the patent on that genetic code can now OWN part or all of YOU!
Without watching this, it appears to fall right in line with the “right-to-repair” crapola John Deere and GM have been pushing.
Don’t let ’em in!
Frankenstein versus American Nationals of America
Dr Carrie Madej is wonderful and accurate in her view .. all we have to do is take a look at the MO of monsanto and their patenting of food and seeds .. nothing out of nature can be patented .. something I have been reporting since the beginning of this covid bs
Good on her.
Bingo. That’s why they are hell-bent on changing our genetic code. I have to give Clint Richardson credit for calling that one years ago. This is all part of Agenda 2030.
What’s the case name of the supreme court justice ruling that says this? I’ve been trying to find it. I need the name of the case if anyone can give it to me. People need to see proof so we can share it! It’s pretty hard to deny case rulings. My mother is a paralegal, and I’ve turned her over to the “truther side” LOL by showing her laws and case law.
I found the case!
Association for Molecular Pathology et al. v. Myriad Genetics,Inc.