Homeland Security secretary in Douglas, Tucson this week

KVOA News – by Brian White

TUCSON – U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secrectary Jeh Johnson will be touring Southern Arizona this week.

The secretary will be visiting border operations in Tucson and Douglas Wednesday.

He’ll be receiving briefings on border security. Johnson is also scheduled to meet with state and local law enforcement officials.  

The trip to Douglas comes after a mass shooting just across the border in Agua Prieta.

At least 8 people were killed in a gunbattle. The cartel-related violence involved massive amounts of munitions, including automatic weapons, 50-caliber weapons and even hand grenades.


One thought on “Homeland Security secretary in Douglas, Tucson this week

  1. I’m sure he’s arriving just to make sure the wet-backs can continue their invasion unimpeded, so I’m glad everyone living near the border knows where they can find the scumbag traitor.

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