Homeless students jump over 5 percent in Oregon, set new record high

The Oregonian – by Molly Harbarger

The number of homeless students in Oregon increased 5.6 percent in 2016-17, according to a new count released Wednesday. The increase to 22,541 students without a permanent home of their own represents four solid years of growth in such students — and the continuation of more than a decade-long trend.

Beaverton and Portland school districts have the most homeless students in the state, according to the latest count.  

Beaverton School District recorded 1,522 homeless students from preschool through 12th grade — almost 4 percent of the district’s total enrollment. Last year, the district had 1,382 homeless students.

Portland Public Schools followed with 1,509 homeless students — a little more than 3 percent of the district’s student body. Last year, the district reported 1,434 homeless students.

Four other Multnomah County districts have much higher rates of homelessness. Reynolds, Parkrose, Centennial and David Douglass showed percentages of 10, 8.5, 8 and more than 5 percent, respectively.

The count of homeless students in the Hillsboro School District increased just more than 2 percent, to 417. Last year, that number was 369.

As has long been the case, Oregon’s smaller districts showed the highest percentages of homeless students. Nine of the 10 districts with the highest rates of homelessness have fewer than 250 students. They include Butte Falls in Jackson County, which counted 56 homeless students. That makes up nearly 30 percent of the district’s total enrollment.

“While the numbers are heartbreaking, our resolve to make sure these students receive the best education possible is unfailing,” said acting deputy superintendent Colt Gill.

Each school district employs at least one homeless student liaison who tries to make sure students who are functionally homeless — whether sheltered or on the street — receive quality educations. Under federal rules, students are considered homeless not only when they live in homeless shelters or outdoors but also when they live in substandard housing, such as that without full plumbing, or doubled up with friends or relatives because they can’t afford a home of their own.

The lack of housing in Oregon for school-age children and their families continues to grow. There are 20 percent more homeless students than in 2014, with little end in sight, the state count indicated.

State officials attribute the sharp increase this year in part to an emphasis on better reporting of homeless students numbers.

“But other factors such as a lack of affordable housing and not enough family-wage jobs are contributing to the problem,” said Dona Bolt, who coordinates the state’s share of a federal grant aimed at homeless students.

Oregon received $502,000 for the 2016-17 school year, which funded 11 programs serving 47 school districts. It paid for homeless liaisons, the cost of transporting homeless students and clothing, shoes and school supplies.

Statewide and on the West Coast, homeless numbers have been increasing steadily. Federally mandated county-level biannual homeless counts usually report lower numbers than schools, because schools use the broader definition of homelessness.

Multnomah County’s latest homeless count showed a 10 percent increase between February 2015 and February 2017, with more than 4,000 people in shelters or on the streets.

— Molly Harbarger


2 thoughts on “Homeless students jump over 5 percent in Oregon, set new record high

  1. Not a problem. All these idiots who signed up for student loans because they were promised that going to college will make them “rich and successful”, can now join the “sugarbabies” who sell their cute young bodies to dirty old men so they can pay their bills.

    Yes, that all-important “college degree” has reduced you to a cheap whore, and I think the irony is hysterical.

    And I don’t care about this, either. The economic picture was plain enough to see for anyone who was looking. When your “government” has to conjure up trillions of dollars and dump them into the economy to keep it afloat, YOU DON’T HAVE AN ECONOMY.

    “Quantitative easing” is what banana republics do when the banana crop fails.

  2. “While the numbers are heartbreaking, our resolve to make sure these students receive the best education possible is unfailing,” said acting deputy superintendent Colt Gill.”


    Anna Nicole married for LOVE, too.

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