The purge of hospital workers with natural immunity is now under way, with The Epoch Times reporting that a large New York health care system has fired 1,400 employees for refusing to be injected with toxic spike protein nanoparticle bioweapons that are mislabeled “vaccines.”
In Michigan, the Henry Ford hospital has seen the resignation of 400 employees who refuse to commit vaccine suicide, prompting the hospital CEO to grin and brag about how his workers are now “nearly 100% vaccinated.”
The Vermont Daily Chronicle reveals that 76% of covid deaths are now occurring among vaccinated individuals. As more time goes by, this number will of course increase, given that Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) worsens health outcomes in vaccinated individuals over time. This fact was recently revealed in a DoD / JAIC / Project Salus document first publicized by attorney Thomas Renz and covered in this bombshell interview:
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