House of Representatives passes resolution against Russia

U.S. Capitol building in Washington November 4, 2014. (Reuters/Yuri Gripas)RT

The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly approved a document which strongly condemns Moscow’s actions against its neighbors, calling them a policy of aggression.

Passed with 411-10 votes, the resolution slams Russia’s “continuing political, economic, and military aggression” against Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova and the “continuing violation of their sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.”  

The US, Europe and our allies must aggressively keep the pressure on Mr. Putin to encourage him to change his behavior,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger, the resolution’s sponsor, said.

The resolution calls for Russia to stop supporting local militias in eastern Ukraine and for the cancellation of Crimea’s decision to join Russia. In addition, it calls on Moscow to withdraw its troops which the US claims are in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.

The House calls on President Barack Obama to provide Ukraine with defense equipment and training.

Ukraine is clearly in need of urgent military assistance,” Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said as quoted by The Hill.

The resolution also urges NATO members and US allies to suspend military cooperation with Russia.

4 thoughts on “House of Representatives passes resolution against Russia

  1. The level of hypocrisy the West displays is truly mind-boggling. The US/NATO/Israel axis is doing exactly what they accuse Russia of doing. The contempt and disgust I feel for these war mongers is beyond words.

  2. Meanwhile, We the People who the Congressmen are supposed to represent do not condemn Russia and condemn our foreign insurgent government. Good to know we have a “representative government”. 🙄

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