House Speaker John Boehner: The House “Will Not Take Up or Vote” on the Senate Immigration Bill – Video 6/27/13

Freedom’s Lighthouse

Here is video of House Speaker John Boehner saying unequivocally that the House “will not take up and vote on” the Senate Immigration Bill passed yesterday by a vote of 68-32.

Boehner said the House will craft it’s own bill, and that it will have to (1) be supported by a majority of House GOP members – both legislation AND any Conference Report – and (2) will have to put “real Border Security” first.

Sounds good IF he holds this line.

2 thoughts on “House Speaker John Boehner: The House “Will Not Take Up or Vote” on the Senate Immigration Bill – Video 6/27/13

  1. Glad to hear it, BUT… why vote on a img bill at all? illegal is illegal…

    or is bayner holding out for something else?

  2. Sure….sure….You keep telling yourself that little Boehner. I think we’ve all heard this one before like a million times. Playing devil’s advocate again for the sake of puppet/party politics, are you? Then you will immediately change your mind at the last minute. I think you fooled us. NOT!

    Man, we so many idiots in Congress these days, that I don’t know which piece of shit I should hit over the head and hang first. Each day, each one tries to outdo the other on who can get away with being more stupid and treasonous.

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