May 8, 2020
Big thanks to Matt, Ann, Larry and Karla of Hargrave’s Barber Shop for doing what all freedom-loving employers and employees should be doing by defying unconstitutional orders and opening back up for business! Free People don’t ask tyrants for permission to be free.
What fun to watch this. And inspiration!! The people are “infecting” each other with the right to reclaim their rights. Go people!!
Henry, you got me thinking… This looked good on the surface, but now I’m wondering if this, like the lady who earned half a $million from GoFundMe, is also a “publicity stunt?”
Am re-listening. One man sites The Articles, but as “the amendments,” and the then the 14th is mentioned. Oh boy. And the courts are validated. And more “lawyer funds.” I guess it’s about knowing how to defy without upholding the oppressor’s paradigm and with making the stance for The Bill of Rights.