How “Just Doing My Job” is Creating and Bolstering a Dystopian Police State

just-doing-my-jobFree Thought Project – by Justin Gardner

In most professions, intelligence and education are desirable qualities. Not so in U.S. police departments, where the brutal, oppressive nature would be threatened by such acts as questioning and thinking.

Informed readers already know that police departments do not hire people with high IQs, as The Free Thought Project previously reported.  

Couched in appeals to the common safety, these Orwellian tactics of seeking out ignorance obscure a deeper truism. Like the military, which serves as a tool of global hegemony, the police state requires absolute obedience to carry out extortion and violence. The apparatus begins to crack when people begin to question.

While the obedient mindset is instilled in cops, daily police-citizen encounters are not under the control of a remote commander. Individual cops in isolated situations hold life and death in their hands with the backing of the state. The courts and politicians want us to believe that a less intelligent, less educated person is more capable of making the right decision.

The facts are not on their side.

A Michigan State University study found that college education significantly reduces the likelihood of an officer using force against a citizen. While higher learning does not necessarily equate to intelligence, it can foster the desire to question and open the mind to other realms of possibility.

This is anathema to Police State USA.

Indeed, another study found that “…college-educated cops are dissatisfied with the job, have negative views of their supervisors and don’t necessarily favor community policing…”

Only unquestioning order followers will feel resolute in kicking down a family’s front door, shooting their dog, kidnapping their children and arresting their father — for possessing a plant.

Only unquestioning order followers can sleep at night after a long day of collecting revenue for their overlords.

Extorting the innocent for not wearing their seat belts, dark window tint, or one of the many and arbitrary acts of legislation designed to separate the citizen from the fruits of their labor, is the work of a person without conscience.

Community policing amounts to daily harassment of the citizenry focused in lower wealth-class neighborhoods. It leads to unintelligent cops tackling and choking overweight men to death for the petty “crime” of selling loose cigarettes.

On April 11th we witnessed the shocking death of Eric Harris, who was accidentally shot by a cop who meant to reach for his taser. No amount of adrenaline can excuse the stupidity displayed here.

Lack of intelligence is a well known and oft-parodied trait among police officers. Barney Fife, Sgt. Frank Drebin, and Sheriff Roscoe P. Coltrane immortalized the inept cop on television. In real life, however, Keystone cops and their bad decisions end the lives of innocents on a daily basis.

In the law enforcement profession, reason and intellect are shunned. This is rubber stamped by the courts and openly admitted by authority figures. Lack of intelligence is preserved in the ranks, as detectives and superiors are promoted from within. The militarized police state is dependent upon the unquestioning, obedient officer.

6 thoughts on “How “Just Doing My Job” is Creating and Bolstering a Dystopian Police State

  1. I member many years ago, at a trial, people stated that they were just following orders and they were all hung.

  2. “While the obedient mindset is instilled in cops,….”

    That’s what causes them to expect it from everyone else. “Obey or be beaten and/or killed” is all they know. All free Americans should have a big problem with this, but as many are under the control of TV brainwashing, they actually embrace it as “getting tough on crime.”

    What they need to learn is that COPS DON’T FIGHT CRIME. That only happens on TV.

  3. A minimal four year college education should be mandatory for ALL peace officers. For the higher positions such as police chiefs, a doctorate. Shit can all the rest as they have been hired as thugs and have zero upstairs. How can anyone argue against this ?

    1. University will have to change its agenda of zio-joo communism first. It is currently only a higher reeducation facility to create further debt and psychological servitude to serve their purposes. Talking to a college student is as mentally stimulating as talking to a wall. It is a brainwashing camp and they make you pay for it.


    11. Institute a phony “War on Drugs” and the phony “War on Terror” as an excuse to Militarize the Police and transform them to an ADL, Israeli trained anti-terror military attack force to oppress Americans.



    Did you know that attending a meeting to organize a bake sale for new band uniforms can put you on a terrorist watch list? You don’t have to join a peace group or protest oil drilling to be considered dangerous. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hired ITRR, the Instititute of Terrorism Research and Response, a Jerusalem based company owned by the Mossad and tied directly to the Israeli Ministry of Defense to track “dissidents” and “activists.” In the process, they managed to find the most dangerous terrorist organization of all, the governor’s own non-profit organization, one supporting school funding initiatives. From ITTR’s website:

    “All of the information ITRR’s staff creates is sent to its monitoring center in Jerusalem, where it is analyzed”

  5. no, they arnt just doing their job.. they are doing the Judges Job, the Prosecutors Job,, and every other job of the judicial system..

    and they are doing it wrong and illegally .. they are just supposed to catch the bad guys ,, not Judge, prosecute and assassinate 9 times out of 10 they have already subdued the suspect ,, but continue to ramp up the aggression to give them the perceived righteousness to kill you

    they are wrong and history will prove this out .. they are on the wrong side of this argument , and will pay dearly if they dont back away right now

    this pot is about to boil over and when it does there’s no turning back

    it could get to a point of an eye for an eye ,, they kill one.. the people kill one of theirs .. that type of war never ends until they are all gone ,, and there’s way fewer of them than us
    they say they “fear for their lives” and that gives them the “right” to kill

    well idiots that works both ways and when it does you will hear them cry so loud when the back lash kicks in

    hell , were all fearing for our lives when it comes to the cops these days .. take yer pick

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