How The 1% Will Live After The End Of The World

Dec 10, 2018
Throughout human history, doomsayers — people predicting the end of the world — have lived largely on the fringes of society. Today, a doomsday industry is booming thanks to TV shows, movies, hyper-partisan politics and the news media. With the country’s collective anxiety on the rise, even the nation’s wealthiest people are jumping on board, spending millions of dollars on survival readiness in preparation for unknown calamities. We sent Thomas Morton to see how people across the country are planning to weather the coming storm.

5 thoughts on “How The 1% Will Live After The End Of The World

  1. “we could ruin your day from here….it’s a video game for us…”

    I’d be bored after 10 minutes in there not to mention I love to be in the open air with all the sights,sounds, and smells of the real world. Those folks could save a lot of dough …just move to ND… no one really wants to live here. Eleven people per square mile. L 🙂 L

    1. Out here it’s less than eleven (according to stats anyway…some parts of the POA have less than five!), but more and more folks from east and central Texas are coming out here…one of the very few counties with no corona virus (some neighboring counties have one….both down by the border).

      And really, these rich folks need to watch the 1960 (?) dystopian sci-fi movie “World Without End” and see how living underground works out for those who did it…. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

      And if they are living on yachts….good luck storing enough fuel!

    2. That is exactly what I was thinking! It would be a glorified, luxury prison compound, but a prison none the less. Imagine what would happen if just a few of the “clients” went insane once the SHTF. They would find that the problem with building empires is that they tend to get taken over. They won’t be able to just pack their bags and go find another suitable “bunker condo”. What a waste of money, resources, and time.

      1. Good point. As they are ALL psychopaths, one can only imagine what they would do to each other! That would be bittersweet though because they belong to US!

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