9 thoughts on “How To Politely Tell Off A Police Officer

  1. Does this cop really believe that a criminal is going to answer any question honestly so its a waste of time. This cop has no idea how he is being used to further the NWO control. It is sad that we as Americans have lost the ability to think and reason as to motives of any activity.

    If you really believe you don’t agree with what the government is doing then why are you participating.

    He understands everything but understands nothing.

  2. This guy was talkin` way too long with this cop. In fact – to turn the tables – just how does any one know for sure that when they get pulled over by a cop that they are a damned cop and not just some one playing cop!! That has been known to happen ya`ll know.
    Yea, you cannot trust a cop for any reason what so ever, just look at how the cops act. A cop is surely your enemy to say the least.

  3. Way Way too much talking..some people just don’t have the ability to STFU

    Don’t talk to cops period..
    “Am I being detained”? Am I free to go? Am I being arrested for anything? may I leave is about all you should be saying

    don’t give these pukes the satisfaction of engaging in any conversation, they are not here to “help”

    Not required to talk to them, and everything you say Can and Wil be used AGAINST you..

    The cops will lose interest if you sit mute and record every move they make..they will move on to easier targets , because by nature cops are lazy

    1. I agree 100% they are told what to do and anything you say goes in one ear and out the other. They are taught to obey and not to ask questions or think for themselves. Sad state if you ask me.

    2. “The cops will lose interest if you sit mute and record every move they make..they will move on to easier targets , because by nature cops are lazy”

      Or they will still arrest you and say that you are interfering with a public servant by slowing down their response time and interfering with their job when they could be out helping someone else. I’ve heard of incidents like that. They always find an excuse. Saying nothing is just as guilty these days as saying anything.

      Bottom line: You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

  4. Pulled over for going 72 in a 70 mph zone?!? Seriously?!? Local cops and state troopers in New Jersey (at least in my area) don’t even blink if you’re five over the limit. If you’re ten over, then you might get pulled over. This cop was just looking for a reason to search a vehicle.

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