How to Remove a Virus Manually without Using Antivirus Software

Amigabit – by Daisy Wood

As dangerous as a virus is to your computer, delete it by yourself can be even more dangerous. Removing a virus without the help of antivirus software is possible but risky. It should only be done by someone who is able to recognize which files are needed for the computer and that are part of the virus. You must delete all files and registry keys associated with the virus to get rid of it. You may not be able to delete some of them without changing them. Your computer’s command prompt can help you accomplish this task.  

Here are directions step by step.

1, Go to the command “Run” menu and input “Start” “cmd” in the text box. This brings the command prompt in a DOS window.

2, Change the command prompt to the drive infected with the virus, introducing -o (the drive letter followed by a colon). Type “attrib -s h/ S / d” and press “Enter” once the prompt is reading the correct drive.

3, Bring unit content directories by entering the command “dir”. Look for all. Exe are suspicious. Anything accompanied by an inf or dll is a big red flag.

4, Rename the files that activate the virus -.Those connected to the exe. Type “Rename” followed by the full file name followed by any harmless name you create. You can now access the drive without activating the virus.

5, Go to the drive folder where all the virus files are located. They are usually within the “Program Files” folder. Delete each of them and clean up your trash.

6, Open the registry editor by entering “regedit” in the Run window. Look virus registry keys, which are often within the folders with “HKEY” in the name. Delete all the registry keys associated with the virus.

7, Restart the system since all the files and virus are removed.

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