Hundreds of humans who identify as dogs gather at a Berlin train station to advocate for the rights of people who identify as dogs.

4 thoughts on “Hundreds of humans who identify as dogs gather at a Berlin train station to advocate for the rights of people who identify as dogs.

  1. A small minority beggin’ for attention. One more snapshot of a sick section of society, willing to live out whatever absurdity it deems current and in vogue. How will these followers look at themselves if and when they mature enough to see they’ve been had. Will they regard it as youthful folly? Or will they summon the appropriate rage to take revenge on those who tampered with their minds and with their values?

    A spineless, softened people will not fight along side us. And day-after-day, they model these antics to our children. I ask myself, “What can I model to them?” Only thing worth modeling is the fight for The Bill of Rights. All else seems superficial, even trivial.


  2. Well, if Commie Kammy can insult hyenas… I guess insulting dogs is “trendy”…. I could insult the wokesters, but why bother, since they constantly insult themselves?

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