Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens

Photo - Washington Examiner – by GABRIELLA MORRONGIELLO

According to Sen. John McCain, a member of the Senate’s Gang of Eight, criminals will not be legalized under the proposed bipartisan immigration bill.

“Anyone who has committed crimes in this country is going to be deported,” the Arizona Republican declared on the Senate floor last week.  

However, as Washington Examiner columnist Byron York recently reported, “the bottom line is an immigrant could have more than three misdemeanor convictions in his background check and still qualify for legalization.”

Furthermore, the following chart published June 21 by the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a nonprofit organization that opposes liberalization of immigration law, compares the consequences for an array of crimes and discovered that while illegal immigrants might be exonerated and legalized, U.S. citizens and legal immigrants face years of incarceration or temporary expulsion from the country.

The Gang of Eight’s bill would allow illegal immigrants who entered the country before Dec. 31, 2011, and committed up to three misdemeanor offenses including but not limited to assault, battery, identity or document fraud, tax evasion, to remain eligible for Registered Provisional Status. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens and persons who entered the country legally could incur up to $100,000 in fines,15 years of imprisonment, or be prohibited to reenter the country for up to 10 years.

“What it [the Gang of Eight bill] indicates is this is more than just an amnesty, it’s an amnesty for all kinds of violations,” said FAIR’s media director, Ira Mehlman. “We say nobody is above the law, but apparently illegal immigrants are.”

5 thoughts on “Illegal immigrants who commit crimes face lesser punishment than U.S. citizens

  1. It’s divide and rule like they’re doing in Britain. They know we’re angry and we’re getting together, and what better way to protect themselves than have us fight each other when one faction is given an advantage while the other loses; make the majority the biggest loser. It won’t save them in the end but it will buy them time.

  2. I love the misdemeanor and tax bullshit. I get years in prison, but illegals get a waiver. Our justice system is so messed up and that’s an understatement.

  3. This is not surprising. I live in a state that will come at you big time for driving without insurance. They will even impound your car if you drive without insurance…unless you are here illegally then its ok. You can enter the country illegally, have an accident, in a car thats not insured, try to flee the scene….and still have NOTHING done to you.

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