The FBI Foils Its Own Death-Ray Plot

moon-hater-death-rayGodfather Politics

The FBI placed two guys from Upstate New York under surveillance starting last year, wiretapping their phones, listening in on their conversations, and reading their e-mails. I’m sure the NSA were also listening in. These two guys apparently wanted to make a comic book-style “death ray” gun that would shoot x-rays at people they didn’t like, causing cancer or radiation poisoning unbeknownst to their victims. The Atlantic Wire reported

“[T]he plan allegedly crafted by Crawford and alleged co-conspirator Eric J. Feight was ridiculous — the death ray wouldn’t work. The plan involved mounting a remote-control operated X-ray laser on top of a truck to kill people without them noticing.”

They wanted to target “enemies of Israel,” and they specifically mentioned New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Regarding this plot, Andrew Cuomo said:  “These extreme right wing nutsies think of everything.”

But where would these comic book villains be without the FBI to help them along? These guys had no idea what they were doing, and they didn’t seem to understand that what they wanted was not feasible, especially without an insane amount of electricity. But the FBI were there literally every step of the way to guide these two guys along:

“[T]he death ray was built with the help of the FBIThe undercover FBI agents or informants gave Crawford the tools to build his death ray — X-ray tubes — and technical specs on how to use it. (The specs were altered to change their output capacity.) Crawford had some engineering experience, and was trying to figure out how to make them more powerful. An FBI informant also financed the plot, giving Feight $1,000 to build the remote control deviceUndercover agents told Feight they’d get him access to an X-ray assembly facility… they couldn’t sell the death ray without the FBI. Crawford was unable to find a group that would use the weapon — the synagogue he approached called the cops. It was after Crawford approached the synagogue in April 2012 that the FBI put an informant in place, and two months later was offering him X-ray tubes. A member of the KKK affiliate Crawford talked to was working with the FBI.”

The FBI noted that at no time was anyone ever in any danger, because the “death ray” gun was inoperable. The gun that the FBI provided these two guys. With instructions on how to use it.

Are we supposed to be applauding the FBI’s uncovering of this massive political assassination plot that they helped create? I know that these two guys wanted to carry out some kind of villainous act, but their efforts would have amounted to absolutely nothing. Instead, our government had to hold them by their hands and give them everything they asked for and more just so that they could be charged with “conspiracy to provide support to terrorists.” Of course, it also makes for great headlines the next day.

Maybe these two guys should be selling death ray weapons to terrorists in Syria. I’m sure Obama would welcome such support. For whatever reason, they’re not considered terrorists. They’re “freedom fighters.”

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4 thoughts on “The FBI Foils Its Own Death-Ray Plot

  1. “Maybe these two guys should be selling death ray weapons to terrorists in Syria. I’m sure Obama would welcome such support. For whatever reason, they’re not considered terrorists. They’re “freedom fighters.””

    So true, so true.

  2. Yea, the FBI would never place anyone in danger. Except for the time they provided the explosives for the first attempt to demolish the twin towers, and the time they provided explosives to the guy in Washington, after convincing him to place bombs in a mall, and so on….

    Notice how they (officially) put these guys under surveillance a full year ago, back when the plot began. Since we know that we have ALL been under surveillance for much longer than that, it seems reasonable to assume the situation developed something like this…..

    While monitoring the communications of more than 300 million suspects, one of these guys made a statement that was picked up on. After “officially” placing them under surveillance, an undercover agent was sent to infiltrate and encourage the group. Once the plot was developed to its full potential, the FBI steps in and saves the day.

    Despite all the propaganda that has been created to build up its reputation, the FBI was founded under the very same fraudulent circumstances as the DHS. After several years of unsuccessful attempts to create a federal police force, the US Attorney Generals (over-insured) house mysteriously exploded. Of course he and his wife were not home at the time. Neither were their children, or their nanny. Even the family dog happened to be out of town that day.

    The FBI pioneered the practice of wiretapping in the 1920’s, and conducted its “war on crime” in the 1930’s.
    – Not much has changed.

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