Stepping Stones Living – by Stephanie B, ND
As the issue of more and more illegal aliens crossing the border from the south continues, the health concerns heat up as well. Government is calling it a “humanitarian crisis”. It is so much more than that. It is a national danger to the health and lives of American citizens. Immigrants who came to Ellis Island when our nation was young were subjected to specific procedures before being let into the country. If they were sick they were forced to remain on Ellis Island until they were cleared. Now the flood gates are open and anyone is allowed to come into our country with no control. These people are being bussed and flown into cities all over the nation. Reports of holding facilities having quarantine areas gives little comfort to the citizens of America. We are in danger. Because of the danger I decided that I needed to write this blog to share the strategies you can take to protect yourself and your family or those you care about. My goal is to empower you to take control for yourself so that you will not rely on a medical system that is letting us down on a regular basis.
These are the diseases we are facing right now due to the influx of sick illegal aliens. For each disease I am providing a natural method that can be used to combat these diseases. These are the best options in my opinion and the items I intend to keep on hand to handle my own family’s healthcare needs. As a naturopath, mom and wife I am concerned about them and all of your families as well.
Scabies -A contagious skin disease marked by itching and small raised red spots, caused by the itch mite. These bugs are considered to be parasites and can cause damage to the skin.
Young Living Essential Oils: (Product Guide can be viewed here)Bergamot, Caraway or Laurel – Apply topically. I will add a few drops in a spray bottle and spray it on the body, wash the bedding in hot water with Bergamot, Caraway or Laurel oil added. Caution – dilution required for children 6 yrs & older. Not recommended for children under 6 yrs.
Pine (Scotch Pine) – Add to water & spray on the body, furniture, carpets, etc. Also not for children under 6 years, dilution for those 6 and over.
Idaho Tansy – This oil can be added to water and sprayed on individuals and objects in the house. Can also be diffused. *Not for use with individuals with epilepsy.
Melaleuca Oil (Tea Tree Oil) – Tea tree oil is one of the most popular remedies for eliminating scabies. It seems to be able to penetrate the skin and suffocate the insects.
Neem oil – Used by organic farmers as a natural insecticide. In the case of scabies, neem oil prevents reproduction, a fact that is very pertinent due to their short life cycles.
Tuberculosis (TB) -An infectious bacterial disease that is characterized by the growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially in the lungs. This disease is highly contagious and can be spread by airborne bacteria through coughing.
Lackland Air Force Base – They are reporting that the number of children with TB is staggering.
There are now 3 confirmed cases in Austin, TX as well.
Thyme Essential Oil -This oils chief constituent thymol, is a phenol that has been documented to be antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Dr Jean Valnet, MD states that thyme oil kills the anthrax baccillus, the typhoid bacillus, meningococcus, and the agent responsible for tuberbulosis. This oil is a stronger antiseptic than phenol, which was widely regarded for many years as the ultimate germ killer.
Vitamin D3 – Treating tuberculosis patients with 10,000 units of vitamin D daily versus the much smaller amount (400 units) usually advocated by conventional medicine led to a 100 percent cure rate. (Mercola)
It is critical to maintain a high level of nutrition in order for your immune system to fight disease. Dr Bass has some suggestions for natural healing methods.
————————————————————————- Chicken Pox (Shingles) – a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). In older adults it can manifest into a more dangerous disease called shingles.
Ravensara Essential Oil – This oil can be applied topically to the irritated areas. It can be added to a carrier oil for better coverage of area.
Peppermint Essential Oil – If there is fever, this oil can be applied to the bottom of the feet to assist the body in balancing temperatures.
Vitamin C – Ingesting higher doses of Vitamin C can assist the immune system in fighting off the virus. When you are sick you can ingest a higher level than during times without sickness.
Vitamin D3 – Sunlight can be one of the best defenses for chicken pox as it naturally increases Vitamin D levels. Supplementing with Vit D can be a back up plan if you do not have enough sun.
—————————————————————————- Lice – These little critters aren’t dangerous. They don’t spread disease but they are highly contagious. They area also annoying and sometimes hard to get rid of. Traditional treatments include dangerous pesticide shampoos and sprays. Facilities housing the illegal alien children are reporting lice conditions so severe they can see lice crawling down the faces of the children. When my children were in elementary school it seemed that every year there were outbreaks of lice. In order to protect my children from lice being spread to their hair and our home, we used the Fairy Tales Shampoo and Conditioner. We never had lice.
Fairy Tales Rosemary Repel Creme 32 oz. Shampoo + 32 oz. Conditioner (Combo Deal)
Prevention Spray – Mix 8 drops of each of the following oils: Purification & Melaleuca in water in a spray bottle. Spray on the hair.
Infestation – If you end up getting infested with lice here are some natural methods of removal. Young Living Essential Oil Formula (mix oils with 1 ounce of YL V-6 oil or olive oil). Add 1 tsp at a time and completely cover the scalp. Rub the hair down from the scalp to the ends of the hair. It is recommended that you leave this mixture on for as along as possible. You can shampoo after 30 minutes.
Mix 4 drops of Thyme, 2 Drops Lavender 2 Drops of Geranium ………into the oil. (~Taken from the Essential Oil Desk Reference) ** Tea Tree, Melaleuca and Rosemary oils are also beneficial for lice control.
If you are located in the southern border states I would not wait to get prepared. When Fukushima radiation began to come upon the western coast of the United States, iodine products were sold out nationwide. Others will not prepare in advance. But you have the opportunity to do it now. Remember the saying……”Forwarned is fore armed.” Take the time to prepare yourself and your family for what may come. Pray you don’t need it but thank God if you do that you took the risk seriously.
May God pour out His protection upon His people.
#1, thanks for this informative article! I just hope that we can somehow stop this outrageous influx of illegals before some kind of true pandemic can occur!
You know you can catch anything anywhere on vacation when you go and visit the “illegals” countries anywhere. And the fact that people from all over the planet visit North America they can bring anything also.
Not good enough in my mind. Colloidal silver can actually kill the virus. Maybe even end the cycle. Never mentioned.
Agreed, Susan.
But not all information can posted in all articles.
Cheap, low-tech alternative treatment for lice: vaseline. Thoroughly saturate all hair and scalp, cover with a shower cap, and leave in for 8 hours.
The hard part is removing the vaseline: use mineral oil or olive oil to break up and thin out the vaseline, comb out as much as possible (have plenty of paper towels on hand), then use as much Dawn dish-washing liquid straight to hair and scalp as needed without wetting. Rinse with water. Use Dawn again if needed to get out any remaining vaseline, or shampoo until clean. Rinse with straight white vinegar (best outside or with a fan running to blow away the vinegar fumes), cover with a shower cap for 30-60 minutes, then thoroughly remove nits with a metal nit comb. Immediately bag up all paper towels and anything disposable used, seal in a plastic bag, and put outside of house in trash. Immediately clean all hair brushes and combs and the sink area. Shower, change into a complete fresh set of clean clothes, and immediately launder just worn clothes and used towels in a hot wash and hot dry.
Treat the whole family at the same time. Check hair every day for 2 weeks for nits 1/4 inch from scalp; retreat with vaseline if any nits found close to scalp. Be sure to thoroughly clean brushes and combs after each treatment and every day use for 2 weeks. Launder all recently worn clothes, bedding, towels, etc., in a hot wash with a hot dry. For any clothing that can’t be laundered, seal in plastic for 2 weeks. Do a thorough room by room cleaning, thoroughly vacuuming carpet, rugs, fabric-upholstered furniture, drapes, etc.
If after all this someone in the family is continually re-infested, then they are in contact with someone who is infested or not adequately treating their infestation. Track them down. If school is the source, demand that the school nurse strictly bar any children that show ANY signs of infestation. Don’t worry about offending someone in order to get control of this; set your emotions aside and simply be direct and to the point.
As you can see, eliminating external body parasite infestations is a LOT of work all at once, so it’s got me to wondering what the scumbah banksters, amoral military complex industrialists, big oil jerks, and government criminals have planned that they are diverting our attention from.
Excellent find, #1. Thanks. I’m saving it.