Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Women, African-Americans on Corporate Boards

News Wars – by Dan Lyman

The Illinois House of Representatives has passed a bill mandating that all publicly-traded companies headquartered in the state will need to have a woman and an African-American sitting on its corporate board by 2021.

Failure to comply could result in fines of up to $300,000. 

A heated debate on the House floor preceded the bill’s passage, according to Illinois News Network.

“I’m not going to be ashamed to stand here and fight for the people that sent me here,” said Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch (D), who is African-American. “Let’s stand up for our people.”

“Ashamed to fight for African-Americans to have a right in the room? Are you kidding me?”

Opponents of the bill have warned that it will create more hurdles for Illinois business growth, effectively signaling that the state is unwelcoming of new companies.

“We are destroying the ability for our state to grow,” said Rep. Tony McCombie (R).

The bill stipulates, “the Secretary of State shall publish a report on its website documenting the number of corporations that have at least one female director and one African American director, the number of corporations that were in compliance at one point during the preceding calendar year, the number of corporations that moved to Illinois during the preceding calendar year, and the number of corporations that were previously subject to the requirements during the preceding year but are no longer publicly traded. Provides penalties for violations.”

The bill now heads to the Illinois Senate for consideration.

News Wars

9 thoughts on “Illinois House Passes Bill Requiring Women, African-Americans on Corporate Boards

  1. You want to talk racism, now are they going to do the same for all African American companies? I see a lot of companies leaving if it does become law

  2. affirmative action ………………why don’t the commie cowards pass the bill of intention….white males are not to be allowed on corporate boards……shades of South Africa

  3. up the profits, pay the fine?
    than sue for discrimination? ..this is so unproductive in both views

    than sell the company and GTFO of Illinois?

    Sorry , But never liked that dam state anyways , there is so much wrong with this crap

    there is no gravity, the earth sucks

    1. Hi Galen,
      Haven’t posted in a while but here goes HA HA HA.

      Funny the reparations thing keeps coming up as if any following generations are liable for what several behind it may or may not have done.
      In this vein one might ask if those who claim to have been Kings in Egypt are liable for the slaves they held during that time namely the jews.
      Yeah I said it the jews were slaves to the Egyptians so does this mean the monies from said current reparations are allotted to the jews of today from said Kings?
      I mean if you are looking at this in any sort of logical format the Kings are liable for said slavery and owe reparations to the jews.

      1. Mark,
        It was the Hebrews that were enslaved by the Egyptians. The term Jew did not exist until 1275 AD in England.
        Reparations are an impossibility because an individual sovereign cannot sue in the common law for what one litigant’s great great grandpa did to another litigant’s great great grandpa. In a civil suit you have to have an actual complaint about an individual incident that occurred on an individual date and time.
        Just to say that my great great grandfather was a slave and everybody who lives today owes me a redress just won’t fly.
        It is just like the rest of these so called class action maritime admiralty suits, they are without authority upon the individual in the common law. If say a marketed medication by a corporation kills you, your loved ones would not go after the corporation, they would go after the licencing agency, that is a single individual or individuals making up a committee in the fiduciary that licenced the sale of the poison, and they in turn would have to incorporate each and every individual responsible for the creation, the testing, and the marketing of the poison.
        The fraudulent United States Corporation is completely without authority to take anything from any American national, as the only way to do so is through the common law jurisdiction, which the government of the inferior fiduciary cannot operate in the superior common law. All the authority of all the government is inferior to the superior jurisdiction of one individual free sovereign national of the united States of the Americas.
        Our enemies are doing everything they can to hide the truth of our individual authority and promising goodies through the fraud of the admiralty to one group to be taken from another group serves its purpose with a bonus, as it creates divide and discontent between the individuals involved in the fraudulent action.

  4. What a POS state. Now they demand a tokenism on the board of every public traded company. God I hate this state.

  5. Yea….this should work out well.
    Have a look back through the past 20 years of news at blacks in positions of power here in the states: My best guess would be over 90% have ended in sexual or corruption scandals.
    I suppose I’m just old fashioned, but my parents raised me to believe in the merit system: you get the opportunity IF you deserve it. The commies don’t see it that way.

    From each according to their ability, to each according to his need.

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