Illuminati Jews Plotting World War Three?

doomsday.jpgHenry Makow

The chances of winning the Powerball lottery are greater than nine Jews overthrowing Ukraine’s President and promoting Armageddon

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Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.  —Col. Charles Lindbergh, on Jewish agitation for World War Two, Des Moines Sept 11, 1941.
(See excerpt below article)

by Martin Purcell
The Ukraine, the Protocols of Wolf Blitzer and Powerball

Israel’s Maariv newspaper reports about one in every 514 on earth people is Jewish, about 0.02 of mankind. 1

powerball.jpgIn fact, if you put all 7.3 billion earthlings names into a hat and drew out nine Jewish names in a row, the odds of doing that are over 10 trillion to one, a feat many times harder than winning the Powerball jackpot.

A year ago, a secret recording surfaced on YouTube. Assistant Secretary of Victoria Nuland was overheard actively plotting a coup d’etat with the U.S. Ambassador to the Ukraine, Jeffrey Pyatt.

She used the “F” word, which got all the publicity, but few seemed to notice that she was trying to name, or actually choose, the new interim President of the Ukraine. His name, Arseniy Yatsenuk.

Three weeks later, Victoria got her wish; the pro-Russian government of Yanucovych collapsed and Yatsenuk was in place. Shortly thereafter, an election was held in which Petro Poroshenko became President. 2

nuland.jpgWhat is curious in all this is that Victoria is Jewish, 3 and her co-plotter, U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, is Jewish, 4 and Yatsenuk who stood as the interim President is Jewish, 5 and Poroshenko is too.6

That’s four for four.

In early February, Wolf Blitzer interviewed Congressman Eliot Engel, who strongly urged the U.S. to send lethal aid to help Poroshenko and Yatsenuk’s besieged government against Russian separatists.

Mikhail Gorbachev warned that sending in lethal aid could lead to World War III. Even a NATO general said sending in lethal aid could cause unprecedented Russian anger. Putin has made off-the-cuff remarks about nuclear confrontation. A seasoned NYU Russian expert issued sober warnings about things getting out of hand. 7

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists moved its doomsday clock up to 3 minutes before midnight just last week. It attributed the move to climate change and “outsized nuclear arsenals.”8

This situation is serious and explosive, but Wolf Blitzer and Representative Engel had a very cozy tete-a-tete about lethal aid anyway with absolutely no mention of how this could bring us closer to Armageddon. Wolf Blitzer, by the way, is Jewish and Congressman Engel is too. Wolf’s executive producer, who oversees what kind of guests Wolf invites, is Linda Roth who is Jewish.9

Linda and Wolf’s boss at CNN used to be Susan Grant, who is Jewish, but she was replaced by Andrew Morse, who is Jewish, and Andrew, in turn, is answerable to his boss, Jeff Zucker, the President of CNN who is also Jewish.

Not only is that a mouthful, its nine for nine. Jackpot!

What is consummately disturbing in all this is that, even if it has to do with provoking nuclear confrontation and World War III–if you mention any of this, you’re just an anti Semite and not to be taken seriously.


lindbergh.jpgCharles Lindbergh on Pre War propaganda effort-

“They planned: first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict. These plans were of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda.

Our theaters soon became filled with plays portraying the glory of war. Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity. Newspapers and magazines began to lose advertising if they carried anti-war articles. A smear campaign was instituted against individuals who opposed intervention. The terms “fifth columnist,” “traitor,” “Nazi,” “anti-Semitic” were thrown ceaselessly at any one who dared to suggest that it was not to the best interests of the United States to enter the war. Men lost their jobs if they were frankly anti-war. Many others dared no longer speak.

Before long, lecture halls that were open to the advocates of war were closed to speakers who opposed it. A fear campaign was inaugurated. We were told that aviation, which has held the British fleet off the continent of Europe, made America more vulnerable than ever before to invasion. Propaganda was in full swing.”

– See more at:

6 thoughts on “Illuminati Jews Plotting World War Three?

  1. So, scratch your little heads and think of all the lies you have been told regarding the Nazi regime. Like the lie that he disarmed the German people, when Hitler lifted the restrictive gun laws of the Weimer Republic legislated in 1928, five years before the Nazis even won the election. Fact: Hitler armed the German public to the teeth before WW2 with the German Gun Laws of 1938.

    Now ask yourself; was Hitler wrong to prohibit Jews and Masons from being employed by the German government? Was he wrong to prohibit Jews from working in the Arms Industry, in public German Schools and Universities and Public Hospitals?

    By time it comes to you, it may be too late to fathom the necessity of these actions.

    Hitler nationalized the banks, prohibited usury and put the “International Finance Jews” out of business in Germany. That’s why the Jews are so afraid of the public learning the truth about Hitler and the Third Reich.

    1. P.S.

      I am not endorsing so called “neo-Nazi” organizations of today. From my investigations, all neo-Nazi groups are mere tools of the Zionists like the Ukrainian Nationalists who put Jews in power and are merely low I.Q. servants of the Zionists.

  2. Quite true Ted. Hitler only forbade the Jews and Communists from possessing arms. Bad thing? Depends on your point of view, I guess.


      The above link is to the most comprehensive study of German gun laws from before and after the Third Reich. It includes the 1928 gun laws, including amendments, and the 1938 gun laws in both German and English.

      I believe the entire study is published for free access as well.

      The 1938 gun laws do not prohibit Jews or Communists from owning firearms. However, like US gun laws, those convicted of serious crimes, particularly gun-related crimes (felons) were prohibited from owning firearms.

      Remember, Communists attempted an armed revolution in the 1920s and held government building in Bavaria, including the Police Headquarters, until German WW1 vets and police subdued the Communists. Many Communists had criminal records and were active in fomenting insurrection–and usually getting convicted of crimes and sent to the labor camps as a result.

      The only ethnic group prohibited from firearm ownership in the 1938 gun laws are Gypsies. That prohibition was introduced in the gun laws of 1928, not by Hitler. He included that prohibition in his gun laws of 1938 because Gypsies were culturally criminals, as they are today.

      It was not until the “Night of the Broken Glass” that Jews were prohibited from owning guns. That was just before those who did not voluntarily leave Germany were hauled off to labor camps in Poland. (Two-thirds of all Jews living in Germany had left by this time.) This was no different than the US moving remaining Japanese Americans to detainment camps in Nevada. You don’t think the US let the Japanese bring their guns with them, did you?

      The most restrictive gun laws Germans suffered were those imposed by the Allied Forces. Pierce’s work includes photos of Germans lined up with guns and swords, turning in their weapons to occupying American forces, They had to turn in all their guns and even fencing swords.

      Even Wikipedia’s article on German Gun Laws admits the gun laws of 1938 lifted tight restrictions. Don’t expect Alex Jones to ever acknowledge that.

  3. Bunch of BS from a bunch paranoids! There over 7.2 billion people on this earth, and 13.3 million Jews. Now if the world is too stupid to let a minority take over, than your too damn stupid to rule yourselves. Get real you damn paranoids!!!!

    1. The 7.2 billion paranoid people you speak of are generally not doing anything except trying live life in a world that is infected with 13.3 million parasites that collectively conspire to feed their wealth and power addiction through lies, manipulation and murder because their cult and their DNA compel them. Not everyone is so readily predisposed to fulfill such hedonistic and evil luciferian urges. Yes, perhaps every society that has ever identified the kosher cockroach as an infestation and ousted them has been a victim of mass hysteria and paranoia. That, or the kosher cockroach truly is a problem. Nah, must be every one else and not them. Now who’s suffering from delusions?

      Just in case that wasn’t sarcasm.

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