Immigrant youth to confront Sen. Ted Cruz about bullying immigrant community

McKinney Courier Gazette

Dreamers from Texas, a chapter of an immigrant-youth led organization, on Thursday will descend on Sen. Ted Cruz’s Houston offices, present him a huge blowout of his Canadian birth certificate and remind him of his own immigrant roots, according to a release.

Maria Fernanda Cabello, an organizer for the organization, United We Dream (UWD), issued the following statement:  

“Since taking office, Sen. Cruz has bullied the undocumented community, blocking attempts at immigration reform that would lift my parents out of the shadows, and now he’s using his power among right-wing representatives in the House to allow a vote to get rid of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

 “DACA has provided me and more than 600,000 young immigrants an opportunity to work and drive for the first time, and Sen. Cruz’ attacks against Dreamers will not stand. We’re here to remind the Senator of his immigrant roots, and it’s shameful that he continues bullying families like his.

“The Republican Party has fully embraced a political ideology that seeks to mass deport Dreamers and their parents, and we’ve known that relief for my parents rests in President Obama’s hand. The GOP is dead to our community and we will not soon forget its continuous attacks on our families.”

More details about Thursday’s event:

What: Dreamers from Texas will take over Sen. Cruz’ Houston office, shaming his bully tactics against the immigrant community, and reminding him of his own immigrant history.

Who: Dozens of Dreamers from Texas, including UWD leaders.

Where: Ted Cruz Houston office, 1919 Smith St., Suite 800, Houston

When: 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 14

United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, a nonpartisan network of 53 affiliate organizations in 26 states. UWD organizes and advocates for the dignity and fair treatment of immigrant youth and families, regardless of immigration status.


4 thoughts on “Immigrant youth to confront Sen. Ted Cruz about bullying immigrant community

  1. Did Cruz go the lawful path to citizenship? Is this commie group touting all the illegal invaders that are here now or what? This whole thing is so out of hand.

  2. ““Since taking office, Sen. Cruz has bullied the undocumented community, blocking attempts at immigration reform that would lift my parents out of the shadows, and now he’s using his power among right-wing representatives in the House to allow a vote to get rid of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).”

    They are NOT “undocumented”, they are ILLEGAL , you sick sons of bitches! 😡

    ““DACA has provided me and more than 600,000 young immigrants an opportunity to work and drive for the first time, and Sen. Cruz’ attacks against Dreamers will not stand.”

    The BALLS on these bastards! Who the hell do they think they are? Hang ’em all! 😡

    “Dreamers from Texas will take over Sen. Cruz’ Houston office, shaming his bully tactics against the immigrant community, and reminding him of his own immigrant history.”

    Quick! Someone get ICE to round up all of the illegal immigrants arriving at Cruz’s office!

    Oh wait! I’m assuming that ICE actually does its job and enforces the law. Silly me.

  3. “We’re here to remind the Senator of his immigrant roots, and it’s shameful that he continues bullying families like his.”

    The Senator didn’t swim across the border in the middle of the night so he could rob, rape, and collect welfare checks.

    We have now, and we’ve always had LEGAL means of emigrating to this country.

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