‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans; Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaxx Status In Database

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

On Wednesday the Department of Defense released the first images of a COVID-19 vaccination record card as well as vaccination kits, according to CNN.

“Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due,” says Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

What’s more, vaccination clinics will also report to their state immunization registries which vaccine was given so that third parties can verify one’s vaccination status regardless of what their card says (or if they’ve lost it).

Moore said many places are planning to ask patients to voluntarily provide a cell phone number, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.

Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers. –CNN

The DoD also released information on vaccine kits, which include a card, needle, syringe, alcohol wipes and a mask. There are approximately 100 million such kits ready to go as soon as ‘the’ vaccine(s) is(are) chosen, according to Operation Warp Speed CEO, Gen. Gustave Perna.

Meanwhile, the vaccination roadshow has begun. On Wednesday, former presidents Obama, Clinton and Bush publicly announced that they would take the vaccine, on camera.

I may end up taking it on TV or having it filmed, just so that people know that I trust this science,” Obama said in a Wednesday interview with Sirius XM radio – while Bush and Clinton made similar vows.

The next day, NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci ominously warned that it would create a “very serious situation” if people don’t take the vaccine.

The frontrunning vaccine candidates come from two companies – Pfizer and Moderna – which are both awaiting emergency use authorizations in the United States. And FDA panel is expected to discuss the issue on December 10 and 17.


13 thoughts on “‘Immunity Cards’ To Be Issued To All Americans; Enable CDC To Track COVID-19 Vaxx Status In Database

  1. I won’t be getting a card because I won’t allow CRIMINALS to inject God knows what, into my body.
    Like anyone would actually trust these freaks!!

  2. “The next day, NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci ominously warned that it would create a “very serious situation” if people don’t take the vaccine.”

    Hey Fukci, you better believe it, the serious situation is not for us, we have always known that something like this was coming, because you homo’s don’t have the balls to be upfront and just come door to door to take our arms.

    The serious situation is for you and your NWO, you must understand, scumbag and all like you, that some of us out here get a little warm feeling and twinkle in our eyes when you make these promises of actually trying to go live with this shit and then trying to enforce it.

    Your divide and conquer between the two sides fight won’t work, it can’t work in conjunction with this Vaccine BS, because people from all sides and thought processes will rebel. We are not Australian or Canadian or British…..Why don’t you know that?

    DTTNWO eternal and all whom support it, oh and fck all you maggots. I wonder which enforcers are going to be the first to die serving you scum trying any of this.

  3. It’s amazing how fast the criminals have been able to convert the people into slaves. I realize this has been going on for many decades, but every time they got the people to believe yet another lie, they were closer to this transformative year. Next year? Gotta make any reasonable person, really pissed off. The question is, what are we going to do about it?
    You know they’ve already made plans for …US.

    1. This illusion that somehow they are such a mighty force and we are so helpless.
      Believe it or not there are those of us out here who have already made plans for these commie mother f-kers, not subtle and sneaky, but rather crafty and painful.
      They have their weaknesses, in fact their weaknesses are abundant.
      It is the life or death thing that constructs the pretense that they are somehow on the same level with the armed population of this country. When you are a yellow ass coward hiding in another country and paying somebody to do your killing and not facing the risk of being killed yourself in the act, it is a whole lot different trip than making the decision and doing it yourself.
      I have to believe that everyone who understands the situation is making those decisions, and though we may die in our fight, when we are done pounding the shit out of these bastards, we are going to go after that zionist little shit in another country, and I am planning for them to die as long and slow and painful death as is humanly possible. It is called revenge.
      Now think of these dirty little cowards being held by someone who has already fought the fight, made it through, and is hell bent on taking the ultimate revenge for those whom he fought by that didn’t make it through.
      You think about that you dirty little worms because it is going to be.

  4. “The next day, NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci ominously warned that it would create a ‘very serious situation’ if people don’t take the vaccine.”

    Simple logic reasons that if these “vaccines” were “safe and effective”, then those who believe in them and accept them have nothing to fear from anyone who doesn’t. The fact that the psychopaths are trying their damnedest to make them mandatory proves that the real reasons are anything but beneficial to the people.

  5. “Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone’s going to get that.”

    So….all of these assholes are gonna hang. Let’s do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone of them is going to get that.

    How come we don’t vote on anything anymore? It’s just all implemented without any say from the People. Amazing…and here I thought I lived in a free country.

  6. “The next day, NIH Director Dr. Anthony Fauci ominously warned that it would create a “very serious situation” if people don’t take the vaccine.“

    Are you threatening me?

    Dude I don’t even know you (let alone even consider you to be a doctor) and you think you have the power to control me or anyone else? Go suck an egg, you dipshit!

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