Indiana social studies teacher, chairman of local county Democrats charged with fondling himself in front of minors

By David Krayden – The Post Millennial

Indiana social studies teacher, chairman of local county Democrats charged with fondling himself in front of minorsForrmer Indiana social studies teacher and ex-chairman of the local county Democratic Party Joel Bowers, 37, was arrested Oct. 1 for allegedly masturbating in front of his junior high school class. Police formally charged him with two sixth degree felonies for performance before a minor that is harmful to minors and dissemination of matter harmful to minors, the Daily Mail reported.

Students claimed Bowers did not move from his desk as one of his hands moved beneath his untucked shirt before “white stains” could be seen on his pants. “There was white stuff on his pants and he would not get up for anything. He had his hand down there and was sweating but it was cold in his room,” one student said in the police report.

Bowers denied he had initiated any intimate touching when he spoke to school administrators and police investigators and attributed the white stains to paint. The charge of disseminating matter harmful to minors is connected to Bowers allegedly transmitting nude pictures to a 15-year-old girl over Snapchat that became part of the police investigation. Bower said he thought the girl was 18 because the social media platform insists users be that age.

Bowers went on administrative leave from Jay County Schools on Apr. 11 before resigning. He also left his position with the Democratic Party of Jay County. He was released from Jay County Jail on $3,000 bail and is scheduled to appear in court Monday. The former teacher could be sentenced from six months to two-and-a-half years in jail if found guilty.


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