Installation Instructions

Trump’s been installed, predictably enough, and millions of angry Americans have breathed a sigh of relief, in the erroneous belief that things will now be better, or at least different.

Unfortunately, your country is still being looted, your Bill of Rights is still being trampled, and the invasion of illegal aliens isn’t going to stop.  

Trump was installed because Americans were seething with anger for many years, and the sigh of relief you’re now breathing is just as predictable to the ruling elites as the Trump victory was to many of us. That sigh of relief that you’re now breathing is exactly WHY Trump was installed. You needed that, and they needed to give it to you, because now you’ll be able to sit back, relax, and watch Trump “make America great again”.

Unfortunately, it’ll take the average moron years to notice that Trump isn’t going to change anything, because there’s too much money at stake. Every corporation wants the cheap labor, the stolen resources, and they don’t want you and your silly Bill of Rights standing in the way of their grand theft of your nation.

If you’re celebrating the Trump victory, and are confident that he’ll “drain the swamp”, please enjoy yourself, pop the champagne cork, and wallow in the thrill of victory for as long as you can. When you’re done celebrating, I’d like to ask only one favor of you, and that’s that you do your job, and let Trump do his.

Your job as an American is to remain eternally vigilant, stand up for your constitutional rights, and be prepared to defend your country if and when the need arises.

Even if Trump turns out to be all he’s promised to be, there’s only so much any president can do, and most of the problems we’re suffering from are the result of Americans not doing their job, rather than the evil machinations of any politician, or group of them.

Instead of sitting back and believing that you and your country exist at the mercy of our government, please remember that this is your country, and your actions affect it’s future more than any president’s do.

Our problems stem from Americans forgetting that fact, and believing they can ignore government and lose themselves in an endless array of mindless entertainment, all of which has been provided to distract you from your patriotic duty of government involvement.

Government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” cannot exist if “the people” (you) are uneducated, aren’t paying attention, or are too busy indulging in the TV’s infinite marathon of giggle inducement. You have nothing to laugh about. You’re still being robbed of your wealth and freedom, and your children’s future has been sold at a Jew’s pawn shop.

Trump was installed precisely so you could believe that someone is going to fix this country’s problems for you, and that you’ll be free to engage in more interesting pursuits than watching C-span, or understanding the true history of this country, how it’s monetary system works, and how it should work.

Trump’s presidency is nothing more than the latest device to distract you from your patriotic duty, and let you believe that America will be fixed without your help, or even your attention. He was put in power to assuage the anger that was rising from the population, who were spending their last few dollars on equipping themselves for revolution.

They needed Trump, and all of his grand promises, to save their necks from a popular uprising, and if Trump weren’t available, a different actor would have been recruited to play the same role.

As far as the American people are concerned, the presidency of this country is very little different than any reality-TV show, and that’s why Trump is well-suited for the job. They only distract you from their crimes with promises and lies, while the resource theft, and destruction of freedom continues unabated.

I’d be real happy to see Trump keep all his promises, but I’m not going to bet any money on it, and I honestly see him as just another “hope and change” man with a bigger shovel full of dung than the present one.

Instead of betting your future on Trump, or any other politician, place your bet on the Bill of Rights, and your own duty as an American to make sure it’s respected, rather than being slowly twisted out of relevance by corrupt politicians and judges.

You need to be involved with this country’s future, or it will surely be stolen by billionaires, who have been trying to undermine the power of the people since the Bill of Rights was written.

No politician is going to help you; they only compete for the privilege of robbing you, and controlling you, and that’s only because you let them get away with it by being stupid enough to trust any of them.

People who are scared, stupid, and weak will never live in freedom, in this country, or any other. Allowing yourself to be distracted by endless entertainment is what got all of us into the mess we’re in, and I have every right to complain about it, because as a fellow American, I have to suffer this tyranny with you.

Whether you supported Trump or not,  you now have a duty of making sure he keeps his promises, and operates under the rules of the constitution, and respects the people’s Bill of Rights. If you turn your back on him for a minute, he’ll be no different than Obama, and probably twice as greedy.  — Jolly Roger

“It’s a republic, if you can keep it”  — Ben Franklin (on being asked what kind of government we’ve been given)

15 thoughts on “Installation Instructions

  1. Great article JR. You speak to the choir here at FTT, but for those outside the loop, this should assist them.

    Nothing has changed for me with this election. My peripheral vision is honed to a T as I keep my eyes on this fella.

  2. Well said, JR.

    Although it’s been said enough by now to be a cliche, I’ll say it again here: Trump is the “hope and change” of the so-called right. I can’t believe so many people, including a good number of self-declared libertarians, are acting like Trump is some kind of Ron Paul equivalent.

    We know that Trump is NO friend of the Bill of Rights or human rights in general. He’s on the record as supporting torture; hopefully that was only hyperbole intended to rally the yahoos. We can expect him to double down on the police state and grow the standing army. Most flag-waving “conservatives” won’t care as long as he leaves the Second Amendment alone. But years from now, when the Democrats eventually regain power and start using those expanded police state powers, the “conservatives” will wonder what the hell happened.

    Trump may put us on much better relations with Russia, and that’s not a trivial matter. But what about the rest of his foreign policy? We know that he’ll bow down to Satanyahu just like the rest of them, and that means more wars for Israel.

    At least the election results mean high-quality guns and ammo are likely to stay available for a while. Hopefully people take advantage of this by buying what they need and PRACTICING.

  3. I believe trump will keep his promises. The problem is what he promised was more statism, more ass kissing to the Israeli entity that corrupted us to begin with, the police state, the government’s so-called authority to dictate who gets guns, war, torture and so on and so on. Absolutely he was out there to keep people quiet and a breath of delusional relief. As for making sure he goes in line with the constitution and Bill of rights, see police state. Voting is a way to put people in different collectives and strip us of individuality. A way to steer us to their ways, schemes and crimes and to come to love and endorse it. And that’s all. There is a hidden power structure that is apparent to some and they are not going to hand over that power to us lowly peasant “voters”. Trump pretty much campaigned on exposing hillary as a treasonous crook. As if we didn’t know. And said he would prosecute her. Just this morning, he said we owe her a great debt of gratitude for her service to this nation. What service is that, The service of treason? I won’t hold my breath to see Hillary’s indictment. There will be a new war front for israel, make no mistake. And sheep will gladly follow because their new God trump will lead, and forget l the rhetoric they spewed about Obama and his unconstitutional wars and policies. All that will go out the window. This time “its different” this is trump, he wants to make America great again. There will be a new war for israel, maybe even a false flag to start it off. We the people need only ignore govt, defy them and protect ourselves and fellow man.

    1. Jamal, I agree 100% with your comment! I listened to his speech and heard this also. Typical politician, saying the pc thing, and this was after he blasted her in the debates on what a terrible job she’d done.

      “Just this morning, he said we owe her a great debt of gratitude for her service to this nation.”

      1. He was just shaking hands after the tennis match the pc thing to do. However, let us not forget they have been long term friends and still socialize. They were recently at a dinner party together each sitting next to a very important Jesuit (Sorry I do not remember his name). As I have said many times its a game and we are willing to play it. He isnt in the seat yet and there is a good chance he wont. I learned last year with an insider that there would be an election but neither candidate running will ever see that chair in the Oval office. He was very convincing but names are my worst fault I never remember them. If I run across it again I will post it.

        1. Yes, app. 8 weeks is time enough for plenty of shenanigans to happen, to the end he could not see the inside of the white house as pres..

  4. Dang it, JR, you just need to keep posting your original stuff on here!

    You are absolutely correct–the criminal psycho elites finally came to the realization that if they put Hilary in there there would have been a way too serious awakening of We the People which could have led to us rounding them up, putting them on trial and sending them to Antarctica where they can eat each other (eat the rich–they’re GMO free). So even if they really didn’t want to, they knew Trump had to be installed.

    So We the People get the slow burn, as usual–the elites are stupid, but I guess they’re not that stupid!

    Now, if Trump really is on our side, then we will know when they whack him before his inauguration.

  5. Thanks, everyone, and yes, I know I’m usually preaching to the choir here, but believe it or not, you’re not the target audience…..e-mail the link to someone who needs it.

    It’s still about getting more people on our side, and educating them.

  6. Same Bullshit, Different Spewer
    Mark Twain bitched about the same crap as we do, politicians on the take, journalists propagandizing and taxes, taxes, taxes, resulting in no change in 100+ years.
    ‘Nuff said?

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