Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds under fire over Satanic idol and altar on display at Iowa state capitol at Christmastime

By Libby Emmons – The Post Millennial

Iowa Gov Kim Reynolds under fire over Satanic idol and altar on display at Iowa state capitol at Christmastime

An Iowa lawmaker has demanded that Governor Kim Reynolds remove the Satanic display from the Iowa Capitol building. Brad Sherman doesn’t just want to remove the Satanic, mirrored, caped statue of Baphomet, complete with a black and red “holiday wreath” with a pentagram in the center, but wants to make sure nothing like this happens again. The display was placed by the Iowa chapter of the Satanic Temple. Sherman called the display “disgusting.”

“The outrage and disgust for this satanic display is widespread, but few people think there is much that can be legally done about it because of free speech and freedom of religion. However, I disagree,” Sherman said. He pointed out that while the “Iowa Constitution is the supreme law of the State of Iowa, and it establishes the legal foundation upon which all other state laws are built,” that doesn’t mean Satan worship should be going on in the state capitol building.

He cites the preamble of the state’s constitution, which reads “WE THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF IOWA, grateful to the Supreme Being for the blessings hitherto enjoyed, and feeling our dependence on Him for a continuation of those blessings, do ordain and establish a free and independent government, by the name of the State of Iowa…”

By his assessment, this means that Iowa recognized “There is One Supreme God” and that all blessings over the state of Iowa “come from the One Supreme God.”

“It is a tortured and twisted interpretation of law that affords Satan, who is universally understood to be the enemy of God, religious expression equal to God in an institution of government that depends upon God for continued blessings. Such a legal view not only violates the very foundation of our State Constitution, but it offends the God upon whom we depend and undermines our wellbeing,” Sherman writes.

Sherman states that “to allow satanic expression in the State Capitol and other public property is to surrender to Satan’s demands for equality with God which was his original sin.” He demanded that Reynolds take it down.

“I am calling for our governor to have this blasphemous display removed immediately based on the grounds that it is unconstitutional and offends God upon whom the State of Iowa depends for blessings,” Sherman writes. “I am calling for clarifying legislation to be adopted in accordance with our State Constitution that prohibits satanic displays in our Capitol building and on all state owned property.
I am calling for legislation to be adopted that makes it legal to display the Ten Commandments in our Capitol, in all buildings owned by the state, and in our public schools.”

The Satanic Temple’s Baphomet statue is permitted in the capitol for two weeks. “Happy Holidays!” The Satanic Temple posted on their Facebook page after installing the display.

The Satanic Temple said they are “proud to participate in the festivities” this holiday season, and offered their seven core beliefs. The Satanic Temple is a national group that seeks to legalize abortion on demand and claims that it is a religious rite. They have an “abortion ritual” as well that they recommend to women who take abortion pills. It is entirely self-focussed. They have launched After School Satan Clubs at many schools across the US and use free speech laws to make the case that their religion must be as respected as traditional religions.

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