Is Barack Obama an ‘America-hating, communist despot’? Rep. Martha Roby responds

a_4x-horizontal.jpgAll Alabama – by George Talbot

U.S. Rep. Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, fielded a doozy of a question during a town hall meeting co-hosted by the Wetumpka Tea Party on Monday in Elmore County.

Roby was asked by a constituent what she and her “non-communist colleagues” in the House might do to stop President Barack Obama.   

Specifically, here’s how the man – who is unidentified – posed it:

“What can you do to stop these communist tyrannical executive orders laid down by this foreign-born, America-hating communist despot?” the man said, drawing applause from the room at the Elmore Community Hospital.

Roby thanked the man for his question and offered her response.

“Look I can’t emphasize the oversight part of my job enough,” Roby said. “And I think that that gets lost in what we do every day, because that’s exactly what we’re doing—we’re chasing down these executive orders, we’re chasing down these rules that are promulgated, that are backdoor legislation, whether it’s the EPA, the IRS, go down the list.”

A video of the exchange (watch it below) has gained national attention, getting mentions from the conservative, to the liberal Mother Jones and even MSNBC, where a panel of commentators on the Andrea Mitchell Reports show chided Roby for not confronting the man.

“When somebody says something that outrageous, it’s not enough to simply go on to the merits of their assertion,” said Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post. “You need to call them out. Just like you call out racism or sexim or anti-Semitism or anything else. I think it’s very disappointing she didn’t do that.”

Roby’s office noted in a statement by email late Friday that the Wetumpka Tea Party is one of the conservative groups that was targeted for their political views by the IRS.

“Rep. Roby spent about two hours hearing concerns and frustrations Monday night at a meeting of the Wetumpka Tea Party. She wasn’t there to endorse anyone’s views, but rather to listen,” said Todd Stacy, a spokesman for Roby’s office.

“This is a group that was targeted for their political beliefs by the IRS, only to have President Obama call it a ‘phony scandal’. You bet they are frustrated with this Administration. Oversight is the appropriate role of the House in addressing the Obama Administration’s oversteps, which is what she reiterated time and again Monday night.”

Here’s video of the exchange:

4 thoughts on “Is Barack Obama an ‘America-hating, communist despot’? Rep. Martha Roby responds

  1. Equating THIS…….

    “What can you do to stop these communist tyrannical executive orders laid down by this foreign-born, America-hating communist despot?”

    to THIS………

    “You need to call them out. Just like you call out racism or sexim or anti-Semitism or anything else.”

    …… something the Zionist controlled lamestream media has been doing for decades. Unfortunately, many of the sheeple are still buying into their blatant b.s.

    Fortunately, their numbers are dwindling.

  2. What she is saying that they are going to talk until hell freezes over and not a damn thing will ever be done about any of this! I’ve been listening to this it takes time BS for how many years now and how many administrations? All the while the police state grows out of control and only gets stronger.Now we hear that foreign troops are training on our soil to put down any thing our citizens that might do that could actually initiate change against a tyrannical group of traitors currently in charge! We are seeing our sovereignty and our Constitution shredded daily in this country and its only going to get worse and she knows it!

  3. No, Obama is the man chosen to front the Corporation as the people are further stripped of rights and wealth by the Talmudic bankers of the Crown. I don’t think I can state it more succinctly than that.

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