Is Japan Being Extorted?

Sent to us by the author, SomeAnonymousGuy

I’ve been watching earthquake activity in Japan for a couple years now. The reason for that is that I expect a huge earthquake any time. I also expect that to signal ‘The Day’ for which everyone has been keeping an eye out. The day when all the rules go out the window, and it’s every man for himself.

I had always expected that quake to be a natural occurrence.

Along the way, though, something curious has cropped up, and I’m beginning to think the ‘Big One’ may turn out to be man-made when it occurs.  

I’ve recently been noticing swarms of earthquakes in & around Japan, which become very intense in quantity, then just as quickly, everything goes quiet. I thought I’d start comparing it to the news regarding Japan when it happened. Sure enough, every time the ISIS/Japan hostage story moved to the front burner again, there was an earthquake swarm in Japan.

My interpretation was that Japan is being extorted by way of more than just hostages.

It was also clear that not only were they not being cooperative with their extorters, but now they had taken the offensive by offering aid to countries that were victim to ISIS. Clearly there was going to be some backlash, because like a few of you, I’m sure that ISIS’ parent agency has a three letter acronym, and is based in the US.

Suddenly Monday night, there was a large earthquake, and they just kept coming. I commented to a friend at the time that this was the final warning for Japan. I also laid out what my sense told me was going to happen. I expected the quakes would continue through Tuesday, would be quiet for a ‘day of contemplation’, before what I expected to be finality for Japan on Thursday.

That’s pretty much how it went, except for two things. There was one quake on the 19th that I consider to be a normal, baseline quake, rather than total quiet. The other thing is that Japan did not have a huge, ‘blow ’em off the face of the planet’ quake. Instead, right on time with my expectation, the quakes resumed with much more frequency and magnitude, and a couple different times, the dots of the events formed a U-shape, cupping the southern end of Honshu, (Tokyo), and going up about halfway on either side of the island. I’m not real sure this last swarm is done.

Another curious thing, is that I went to Prime Minister Abe’s website to look for news, and I discovered that there were American ‘courtesy calls’ made just before these swarms. The press releases were not much more than a picture and the headline, so I have no clue what was discussed.

I really got the sense that PM Abe was documenting the visits for all to see, so I’ve included the picture & the headline just before the swarm that came after the visit. Perhaps this was the connection he was hoping someone would make.

I only track EQ’s with a magnitude of 4.0 or greater, so the actual quantity of earthquakes is easily two to three times what’s shown, in magnitudes lower than 4.0.

(Earthquake data courtesy of )

Courtesy Call from the U.S. Congressional Study Group on Japan
Monday, February 16, 2015

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a courtesy call from the Congressional Study Group on Japan of the United States, at the Prime Minister’s Office.

Courtesy Call from Paul Ryan, Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, and Others
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe received a courtesy call from the Hon. Mr. Paul Ryan, United States Congressman and Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, and others, at the Prime Minister’s Office.

3 thoughts on “Is Japan Being Extorted?

  1. You know that first photo that is shown reminds me of that picture of the disheveled General MacArthur and neatly dressed Emperor Hirohito on the day of the Japanese surrender in WWII, where Abe is now Hirohito and the disheveled man on the far right is the new General MacArthur. Just look at his posture and rumpled gray suit. Also, the man next to Abe in the dark suit just reminds me of Peter Griffin from the show, FAMILY GUY.

  2. The week before the big one in, was it 2012 I think. I watched one spot that got hammered for about 10 days along that trench all with in 25′ of each other with some big mag numbers and the next one was the big one. A week after that event a man called into AJ’s show, he said before the quake it was very very hot and the sky had many colors in it at different times, but he was really taken back by the heat in the air.

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