‘Israel behind Egypt coup’ – Turkish PM

Turkish Prime Minister Recep  Erdogan (AFP Photo / Adem Altan) RT News

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims Ankara has proof Israel was behind the July 3 military “coup” that toppled Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, Turkish media report.

Erdogan said the West was beginning to redefine democracy as a process that is not solely determined at the ballot box, although the poll represents “the people’s will.”     

This is what has been implemented in Egypt. Who is behind this? Israel. We have evidence,” Erdogan said, as quoted by the Hurriyet daily, during a meeting with provincial chairs of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Turkish PM Erdogan: “Israel is behind the Egyptian military coup, we have the related documents to confirm that.”

Erdogan spoke of a meeting between Turkey’s justice minister and a “Jewish” intellectual in France before Egypt’s 2011 elections.

“The Muslim Brotherhood will not be in power even if they win the elections. Because democracy is not the ballot box’: This is what [the intellectual] said at that time,” the PM continued.

Erdogan did not clarify what connection the unidentified intellectual had to the Israeli government or how his alleged opinion proved Israel played any part in the recent ouster of Morsi.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry declined to respond to Erdogan’s accusation. “This is a statement well worth not commenting on,” said ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor.

In March, Israel attempted rapprochement with Turkey after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Erdogan to apologize for the 2010 Gaza flotilla raid that resulted in the deaths of eight Turks and one Turkish-American.

Erdogan accepted the apology and both sides agreed to carry out further discussions. The PM, however, said that normalization of bilateral ties would take time, insinuating that Turkey wanted to ensure victims of the raid were compensated and that Israel remained committed to easing the restriction of goods to Gaza before restoring relations.

PM Erdogan,”If we stay silent in front of the coup, we would not hold the right to say something if they set the same trap for us”

The Turkish PM, an outspoken supporter of Morsi and his Islamist government, lashed out at the West for failing to act in light of last week’s bloody crackdown against Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Having previously condemned the coup, Erdogan insisted that Morsi be reinstated through a democratic process.

Erdogan’s ruling AKP, which has Islamic roots, had developed ties with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and aimed to boost Turkey’s regional clout by bolstering its relationship with the North African state.


3 thoughts on “‘Israel behind Egypt coup’ – Turkish PM

  1. I commend Erdogan for his observation, although there are a lot of people who could have told him that everything that happens in the Middle East happens because Israel instigated it. Better late than never I suppose.

  2. Israel is behind every screwed-up event taking place in the world. The economic collapse, the endless wars, human trafficking, Fukushima, the corporate destruction of our environment, the tyranny, the spying, and the coming pandemic.

    Everything that’s wrong with the world right now has Jew fingerprints all over it, and it’s all intentional.

    The headline ‘Israel behind Egypt coup’ is almost a lie of omission, because written as a headline, it suggests that it’s the only horror they’re behind, or that this latest atrocity is something new or original.

    A more appropriate (truthful) headline would read “Israel continues in Egypt with its global destruction of everything decent” or “When will the stinking Jew bastards allow anyone to live that’s not another stinking Jew?”

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