Israeli Airstrikes Kill Five Civilians, Including Three Children, in Southern Lebanon

By Jason Ditz – Antiwar.Com

Lebanese security sources revealed that multiple Israeli strikes carried out across southern Lebanon today killed at least five civilians, all, notably, Syrian nationals.

An air raid on the farmland of Am Toot killed three Syrian children. Israel has regularly attacked south Lebanonese farmland, badly damaging the largely agricultural economy, while simultaneously talking up an invasion of that country.

Lebanese national news agency sources reported that Israel also attacked a motorcycle, killing two Syrian civilians who had been swimming in the area. A second strike was carried out against the site as rescue workers attempted to approach.

Israel further carried out attacks against towns and villages across southern Lebanon, and fired phosphorous shells against the towns of Deir Mimas and Bani Haiyang. Israel has increasingly been using phosphorous against civilian targets.

Hezbollah responded to the killings by firing some 40 rockets against northern Israel’s Galilee Panhandle. Some of the rockets were reported intercepted by Israeli forces, and there were no reports of any casualties.

Israel and Hezbollah have been trading near-daily strikes for months, with the attacks escalating in recent weeks and Israel talking about expanding the operation into an invasion of Lebanon. At least 511 people have been reported killed in Lebanon, including over 100 civilians.

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