Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Faces Criminal Investigation For Fraud & Bribery

The Mind Unleashed – by Lance Schuttler

The Times of Israel is reporting that police are calling on Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to allow them to open a full criminal investigation against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

On Monday, December 26th, Israeli police announced that they are absolutely convinced that a criminal investigation will be opened in the next few days due to new documents that were recently received in a special inquiry that began about 9 months ago.  

The offenses that Netanyahu allegedly will face will be bribery and aggravated-fraud. In June it was reported that police had recently started their secret investigation, with demand that no details be leaked to the media.

Attorney General Mandelblit also allegedly instructed employees in the state prosecutor’s office to investigate allegations that Netanyahu accepted 1 million euros (about $1.1 million) from accused French fraudster Arnaud Mimran in 2009.

Earlier in December, in an apparently unrelated case, there were calls for the Netanyahu to be investigated for his role in a Defense Ministry deal to purchase submarines from a German company that is partly owned by the Iranian government.

The affair overtook public debate in Israel last month, as accusations came about that the Israeli prime minister may have been financially swayed in the decision by his personal counsel David Shimron, who himself had ties with the submarines’ builder, ThyssenKrupp. The purchase was opposed by sectors of the defense establishment, including former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon.

A spokesman for Netanyahu defended the Prime Minister by telling The Times of Israel, “This is absolutely false. There was nothing and there will be nothing.”

What is most interesting about this news is the possible correlation with the U.S. decision to abstain from the vote in the United Nations that aims to stop Israeli construction on occupied Palestinian territory. While it only makes logical and legal sense for such construction to be halted, the U.S. decision not to support Israel is a public slap in the face and one that comes at a time where it also makes sense to ask a logical question: Does the U.S. know something about Netanyahu’s investigation and possible crimes and are they now seeking to publicly separate themselves from the controversial Israeli Prime Minister? 

However, speculation that Netanyahu has been deeply involved in corruption, bribery and even war crimes have been circulating for years and if indeed true, won’t surprise many.

Will “Bibi” slide away from this scandal unscathed or will this result in criminal charges? What changes might this possible criminal investigation have on the dynamic between Netanyahu and incoming U.S. President Donald Trump? If investigated, will Trump come to the defense of Bibi, or will Trump begin to distance himself as well? This one could get really interesting to watch.


Lance Schuttler graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science and is Director of Creative Health Non-Profits for Personable Media. He is passionate about holistic and naturopathic medicine as well as helping to bring awareness to an efficient, sustainable and health-promoting transition that our world’s current socio-economic model is rapidly undergoing.

The Mind Unleashed

5 thoughts on “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Faces Criminal Investigation For Fraud & Bribery

  1. The “oozing boil” on the ass of the World has been exposed, good ole Bibi caught with his pants down. Do they still do beheadings? Oh, what a head mount at the lodge!

    Don’t hold your breath though. Weasels have a way of weaseling out of tight spots.

  2. In my opinion. These supposed leaders like Bibi, Obummer, the Bushes, Clintons etc. are puppets serving their unmentioned masters for the love of money and power.
    It has been revealed that past presidents were involved in fraud and bribery.
    Yet, being traitors to we the people, and causing us to participate in WWI and II,etc. no actions have been taken to confiscate monies from their foundations or trusts!
    Fraud has no time limitations. Nor does MURDER!
    The majority of people here love their soap operas and that’s all this story is. It’s Drama.
    Don’t believe for one second that a President or Prime minister is the only one involved in the scams, cover ups, and pay offs.
    There are checks and balances where like here, there is the House of Representatives and the Senate who could stop every illegal executive order if they weren’t also compromised traitors and cowards at the least.

    These puppet masters have admitted that they could not have pulled off the great deception and overthrow of The Constitution of 1787 and our Bill of Rights without the the involvement of the main stream media spewing what they were well paid to spew.
    We are seeing that millions of people are getting off of the main stream media treadmill/squirrel cage/mouse maze these days.
    Most people don’t want to make waves and or speak out against what they know is wrong.
    Why is that? It’s because of FEAR of repercussions.
    But Evil is as Evil does. One cannot negotiate with evil and go along to get along thinking you aren’t now also evil.
    Is there nothing worth fighting and risking our lives for? If you say no, then you are an enemy to truth, life, freedom, your children and progeny. etc.
    The Masters will throw you under the bus for a short media story designed for a further distraction from what they are truly doing.
    IF Bibi is thrown under the bus, it would only be to put the supposition forth that laws are still in effect which can’t be further than the truth.
    I’d be very surprised if that happened.
    Why? Because he’s only the tip of an evil iceberg of many many others doing the same damned things.
    It has been said that there is honor among thieves. Ha. More lies.
    If you still believe that the ‘law enforcement just us system’ is really working anywhere, I regret having ever thought you were my brother.
    At the end of everyday, so to speak, We The People being the majority, are the arbiter of right or wrong. Will you speak? Will you act?
    Personally speaking, I’m tired of being the victim of this ever increasing parasitic life sucking, slave system.
    I’d rather live one day as a free man than a long life as a deceived slave.
    But, I won’t go quietly or gently if that’s how my one life ends.
    Be diligent to be vigilant and fight for the right to live against all evil.

  3. “The offenses that Netanyahu allegedly will face will be bribery and aggravated-fraud.”

    All I can say about THAT is… PITIFUL!

    Tip of the iceberg, where this @ssclown is concerned.

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