Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iran is hiding a secret atomic weapons warehouse as he waves map and photos during speech at the UN

Daily Mail

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of hiding nuclear-related material at a warehouse in Tehran.

He claimed Iran had a ‘secret atomic warehouse’ in Tehran in an address to the UN General Assembly on Thursday, which he said proved it had not abandoned its nuclear weapons programme.  

Netanyahu held up a map and a photograph of an outwardly innocuous looking in the Turquzabad district of Tehran, which he said was concealed as a rug-cleaning operation.

‘In May we exposed the site of Iran’s secret atomic archive. Today I’m revealing the site of a second facility, Iran’s secret atomic warehouse,’ Netanyahu said.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revealed what he says is a secret Iranian nuclear weapons storage site

‘Iran has not abandoned its goal to develop nuclear weapons…. Rest assured that will not happen. What Iran hides, Israel will find,’ he added.

‘Today I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran, a secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and materiel from Iran’s secret nuclear programme.

‘Since we raided the atomic archive, they’ve been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse.

‘Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it?’ he said.

‘They took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence.’

He claimed Iran had a 'secret atomic warehouse' in Tehran in an address to the UN General Assembly on Thursday

Netanyahu said Israel has shared information about this site with the International Atomic Energy Agency and some intelligence agencies

Netanyahu said Israel has shared information about this site with the International Atomic Energy Agency and some intelligence agencies.

He called on the UN’s atomic agency to carry out immediate inspections at a location known to Israel.

There was no immediate reaction from Iran, which denies building nuclear weapons.

In his address at the UN General Assembly, he spoke out strongly against the 2015 Iranian nuclear accord.

Netanyahu in April unveiled what he said was a pile of archives that showed a secret Iranian nuclear weapons program ahead of the US decision to pull out of a 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

He called on the UN's atomic agency to carry out immediate inspections at a location known to Israel

He said Iranian officials had started cleaning out the atomic warehouse, but still had a lot of work to do because they ‘have had at least 15 ship containers, they’re gigantic, 15 ship containers full of nuclear-related equipment and materials stored there,’ he said.

‘This means that this site contained as much as 300 tonnes – 300 tonnes – of nuclear-related equipment and materiel,’ he said.

France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia have stayed in the deal, vowing to save it despite the restoration of U.S. sanctions on Iran.

Netanyahu accused the European powers of appeasing Iran.

‘Have these European leaders learned nothing from history? Will they ever wake up?’ he said.

15 thoughts on “Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iran is hiding a secret atomic weapons warehouse as he waves map and photos during speech at the UN

    1. Yeah, he just dusted em off, reused the damn things, real piece of work isn’t he? My pet goldfish saw right thru this bullshit. Goys in Israel should be fkg ashamed of this clown.

      1. Correction, not Goys but the robe wearing wall humper, you know the child molesters who take baths in Matza ball soup, never using soap that stink up the place.


  2. Wow. He’s still the only one breaking out the cardboard displays and pictures. Funny how no other country in the UN Assembly ever wastes their time and money on such useless art supplies, yet this “poor country that can’t defend itself” has an asshole like Benny who waste countless amounts of our taxpayer money, mind you, on such crap. You’d think with all of the money we give him, he’d at least shows us on his laptop with a projector. Probably afraid his Jew Ass would get hacked.

  3. If they DO in fact have the secret arsenal Bibi claims, I sincerely hope that they rain fire on every square inch of the zionist regime!!! The world would be FAR better off without that wretched hive of scum and villainy controlling all our banks, media, Hollywood, wars, wall street, etc…
    Nuke them out of existence and let freedom ring!

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