Israel’s Unit 8200…Spying on You?

Enter Unit 8200: Israel arms for cyberwar

In March 2010 the head of Israel’s Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin, disclosed that the Jewish state had become a world leader in cyberwarfare.

The Jerusalem Post said May 5 that Unit 8200 was suspected of developing the Stuxnet worm.

One guess where these Talmudic Terrorists got their equipment from for setting up Unit 8200?  

Unit 8200 also makes in-house software, like bugs and viruses.

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An offshoot of the terrorist op Unit 8200 is Checkpoint, which makes the anti-virus software “Zone Alarm.”

Another is NICE Systems Ltd, an Israel based company specializing in telephone voice recording, data security, and surveillance.

Don’t forget this one, EZchip Semiconductor is a publicly traded fabless semiconductor company that develops and markets Ethernet network processors.

But we’re not done yet!

Apartheid Israel has a NSA equivalent, the Urim SIGINT Base, an intelligence-gathering installation, part of the Unit 8200. Urim is located in the Negev desert approximately 30km from Beersheba, a couple of kilometres north of the kibbutz of Urim.

The ZOF is hiring computer hackers.

Is Unit 8200 being used to game the American stock market?

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Didn’t we learn any lessons from the Israeli firm Amodcs spying on America, helping Israel pull off 9/11?

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