Hong Kong man finds he is a woman after doctor visit

Hong Kong man finds he is a woman after doctor visitYahoo News

HONG KONG (AFP) – A 66-year-old who lived his whole life as a man was given a surprising diagnosis after visiting the doctor in Hong Kong with a swollen abdomen — he was a woman.

Doctors realised the patient was female after they found the swelling came from a large cyst on an ovary, the Hong Kong Medical Journal reported.  

The condition was the result of two rare genetic disorders.

The subject had Turner syndrome, which affects girls and women and results from a problem with the chromosomes, with characteristics including infertility and short stature.

But he also had congenital adrenal hyperplasia, increasing male hormones and making the patient, who had a beard and a “micropenis”, appear like a man.

“Were it not due to the huge ovarian cyst, his intriguing medical condition might never have been exposed,” seven doctors from two of the city’s hospitals wrote in the study published Monday.

The 1.37 meters (4.5 feet) tall patient, who grew up as an orphan, was found to have no testes, a history of urinary leakage since childhood, and stopped growing after puberty at the age of 10.

The doctors said there have been only six cases where both genetic disorders have been reported in medical literature. Turner Syndrome on its own affects only one in 2,500 to 3,000 females.

The Vietnam-born Chinese patient decided to continue “perceiving himself as having a male gender with the possible need of testosterone replacement,” according to the journal.

Most men have a X and a Y chromosome and most women have a pair of X chromosomes. But people with Turner Syndrome tend to have only one X chromosome or are missing part of their second X chromosome.


7 thoughts on “Hong Kong man finds he is a woman after doctor visit

  1. Geeze, ya just got to feel bad for a he/she/it type. Makes me wonder how he/she thought about his/her self for all of those years. I could say more but it would be innapropriate. 66 yr.s old, WOW, this makes me think of 666.

    1. Yes, even fearing a “worse case scenario”, it’s not exactly the news you’d expect to hear from your doctor.

      1. Yup, Angel, good article. It is weird enough for other people to see just how good they have it compared to thias “guy”. Ya know Angel, there are a lot of people that are all goofed up, but this guy realy was goofed up. Ya know, that makes me think I`m a lucky guy LOL 🙂 🙂

          1. HaHaHa, yea Smilardog, that could demand some explaining and tweezer useage. 🙂

  2. My Fellow Patriots:

    Congress,…thing,.. Diane Feinstein had a similar experience,…

    When she went to her doctor,… after a few general questions about her history and sense of patriotism,…. he determined she is a treasonous piece of filth that is neither male or female,.. but is simple some shower drain slime that grow to big for the drain opening.

    Hmmm,… sounds true of Polosi,.. and many other members of our treasonous gov’t.

    JD – US Marines – Communists, as they try to remind each and every day, do NOT have gender,… because they are simply toilet slime.

  3. Urinary leakage from a “micropenis”, and puberty before 10, and this wasn’t discovered until he was 66 years old?

    I guess that micropenis meant he didn’t get out much.

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