11 thoughts on “Jellyfish

      1. Off sub. again NC, but I did finally find that article about the syrian sex slave industry. sent it in to Henry. I thought it was palistein but it was about syria.

  1. And I have even greater news. I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching over to Geico. YEAH, BABY!!!

    (sorry, couldn’t resist) :mrgreen:

    1. Say NC, of sub.but I have been trying to find that article I said I would look for but cannot seem to find it 🙁 . I will keep lookin` though

  2. Hey I used to think jellyfish were cool, now I have to think of mindless dumbasses every time I see these wonderful creatures!!! LOL. 🙂

  3. A total insult to jelly fish,they survived without handouts and trust me,many you do not want to run into as they are well armed,perhaps why they survived that long.

    1. Yea, I would say jellyfish can survive a lot longer than sheep when stuck in a dangerous area. Jellyfish can paralyze their attacker. What can sheep do?

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