Jim Benvie now we have the deep state come out here and lock the gate open, yes that is right OPEN!

Published on Jun 10, 2019

Jim Benvie now we have the deep state come out here and lock the gate open, yes that is right OPEN! former obummer hold overs have come out here and locked the gate wide open so the invasion can continue full force. we have to raise hell patriot, get all over your leaders NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

3 thoughts on “Jim Benvie now we have the deep state come out here and lock the gate open, yes that is right OPEN!

  1. Is that pile of rubble where they were tunneling in before the gates were locked open? *rolls eyes* While the wall may help a bit, it won’t stop the problem of criminal invaders being rewarded for invading the country.

  2. After all, if there is no MS-13 “army of thugs” to try to destroy the Bill-of-Rights loving true American Nationals (since various military folks just might refuse to murder us like the Russian army refused to fire on protestors outside the Winter Palace in Russia’s February Revolution (not the Bolshevik one)), then whom would the criminal psycho elites pay to do this evil act? There is a reason MS-13 and other thugs are being allowed into the country besides drug running and human trafficking….

  3. FFS…nothing more to say but “are you finally gonna shoot them when its in your front yard?” Bolt cutters anyone?

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