Jim Marrs, RIP

Blacklisted News

The family of Jim Marrs have announced that Jim died on August 2, 2017, via Facebook:

From the family of Jim Marrs: Jim died today from a heart attack. We will celebrate his life next month with a Texas size wake at our house.

Image result for jim marrsJim Marrs (December 5, 1943 – August 2, 2017) was an American former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author of books and articles on a wide range of alleged cover ups and conspiracies.[1] Marrs was a prominent figure in the JFK conspiracy press and his book Crossfire was a source for Oliver Stone’s film JFK. He wrote books asserting the existence of government conspiracies regarding aliens, 9/11, telepathy, and secret societies. He was once a news reporter in the Dallas–Fort Worth Metroplex and taught a class on the assassination of John F. Kennedy at University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.[2] Marrs was a member of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth.[3]


6 thoughts on “Jim Marrs, RIP

  1. I really enjoyed his books, speeches and videos, this is an awful shame. He never liked to hit on the jews but damn did he ever nail out the masons.

  2. Shame. I had thought for a while that he & Texe might be brothers. They’re both Texans. According to Texe, though, they’re not closely related. Good researcher.

    “Jim died today from a heart attack.”

    My only question is: was it caused by a CIA dart?

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