6 thoughts on “Joe Biden Pedofile

  1. The woman that called presumably her daughter over to stand near Joe was creepy, and it was obvious, imo.

    Doing a little favor for the pervert.

  2. Is there some reason this sleaze bag isn’t in jail?

    He’s typical of EVERY government employee. That’s what they look for; someone they can control through blackmail over their perversion.

    Thousands of Pentagon computers were logged onto kiddie porn. Senator Barney Frank was pimping kids to other congressmen, and dozens of kids are disappear everyday in this country. Who do you think gets ’em?

    It’s not as if Biden is any different from the rest of them. Pedophilia is so common to these people that he forgot he’s supposed to hide it.

  3. OMG…and those 2 adults laughing and handing her off should be prosecuted. Goes to show out FBI is only useful for them. What film? What happened to his daughter and what does she know? Open that can of worms and drown them . Come on ladies…. we need to strap on a pair. Like always.

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