2 thoughts on “John Kerry views the 1st Amendment as problematic

  1. He finds it hard to build consensus. Ha!! Thinking people think for themselves. They know they’ve been lied to for decades. Consensus is group-think.

    And he just called us “entities!!” And said Article One is “a major block!!” He’s the block, or block-head. Wants a “referee” on facts. Sure, we’ll trust that. Wants to “win the right to govern.” It ain’t gonna happen. Hierarchy refused. Free speech is birthright. And one other thing, Mr. Climate Czar, democracies are slavery and elections are their chains.

  2. Comment a friend just sent me:

    “Being Net Zero khazar, he will wind up with more scalps globally than even Bibi. It takes some calculation but it’s true. He is Skull and Bones walking on earth.”


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