ABC, CBS primetime news largely silent on over 420,000 criminal illegal immigrants roaming US: report

By Hayden Cunningham – The Postmillennial

ABC, CBS primetime news largely silent on over 420,000 criminal illegal immigrants roaming US: report

A report from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that revealed over 420,000 illegal immigrants convicted of various crimes are currently free in the United States went largely uncovered by CBS and ABC News during the evening primetime shows on Friday, according to a report from Fox News.

This week reports showed that ICE sent a letter to Texas Representative Tony Gonzales and other members of Congress, detailing that as of July, 425,431 convicted criminal migrants who entered the US illegally through the southern border are awaiting deportation. An additional 222,141 migrants have pending charges.

The report provided a breakdown of the crimes committed by these migrants, including 62,231 convicted of assault, 14,301 of burglary, 56,533 of drug-related offenses, 13,099 of homicide, 2,521 of kidnapping, and 15,811 of sexual assault.

Despite the bombshell nature of the report, it went largely unreported by mainstream media broadcasting on Friday.

Fox News reported that NBC Nightly News was the only major network to mention the ICE findings in its Friday primetime broadcast. However, NBC’s coverage was brief and did not fully explore the specifics of the report, particularly the data on criminal convictions. Instead, the network only covered the findings that “more than 13,000 migrants previously convicted of homicide are currently free inside the US.”

ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS’s Evening News did not cover the findings from the letter sent to Congress during primetime. The networks instead covered Harris’ recent stop at the border and applauded her latest immigration proposals.

The release of this report coincides with Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ campaign stop at the southern border in Arizona. The Democratic candidate has attempted to walk back her previous stances on the border and has been working to convince the American public that she would be stronger on illegal immigration if elected to the presidency.

The Biden-Harris administration has faced significant criticism for its handling of immigration. Under their tenure, more than 8.5 million illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border, with at least 5.6 million released into the country, according to a report from Texas Representative Chip Roy.

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