John McCain Back in Vietnam: Stands Next to Monument to His Capture; Buys Starbucks Coffee in Hanoi

mccainhanoimonumentFreedom’s Lighthouse – by Brian

Sen. John McCain is on a trip to Vietnam, the place where he spent more than five years of brutal captivity as a POW during the Vietnam War. Here is a photo of him in Hanoi, with Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, standing next to a monument at the place where McCain was captured after being shot down in 1967.  

Below, McCain gets a Starbucks Coffee in Hanoi.

5 thoughts on “John McCain Back in Vietnam: Stands Next to Monument to His Capture; Buys Starbucks Coffee in Hanoi

  1. How delightful. Our hometown hero, John “Reverse Ace” McCain is sipping Zionist coffee with his Zionist pal, Sheldon, to re-affirm his shabbos goy status in the country that give him the royal treatment while he ratted out his country.

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