John McCain: Time To Legalize Weed

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

While Senator John McCain thinks that we should ‘love bomb’ Syria back to the dark ages, he’s come out this week saying it’s time that we legalize weed in America. In stark contrast to his anti-marijuana stance of the past, McCain now feels that legalization will be good for the economy and bad for the drug cartels in Mexico. What is this all about? Has John McCain ‘lost his mind’ as shared by Russ Belville in the video below? As a man who once advocated the death penalty for drugs, does John McCain now ‘respect the will of the people’ as he stated in delivering his new marijuana stance? If so, why does he disrespect the ‘will of the SAME people’ on Syria?  

Yeah, I can totally imagine John McCain as a ‘hippie stoner’. In fact, he played one back in 2002 on Saturday Night Live. Is this the future John McCain?

10 thoughts on “John McCain: Time To Legalize Weed

  1. Mc cain needs to be bitched slapped. That two faced traitor. It is people like mc cain that makes peoples lifes like mine that makes me want to take the boot to this punk mc cain and all that are like this bastard. It is the bastards like him that turn families against family and intentionally goes out and ruins peoples lifes and then mc cain goes off in the corner laughing about it. Yea I got locked up many times for Herb – personal use by the way – and I was locked up for years also and all of my family turned against me because of it – by the way and it was this mc cain type attitude that did it. F you Mc Cain you low life bastard, and yea I am talkin` to you and all others that believe in mc cains BS attitude………… Yes I got some bones to pick with those who have that mc cain type attutude.

    1. Why am I not surprised you were the first one to post on this article, digger? LOL 🙂

      p.s. may call you in a bit, k? We haven’t talked for a while. 🙂
      just need to post on some articles first.

    2. …I agree…they laugh it all off…chuckle about it as though the last forty years have been a joke on some families….I cannot imagine how pissed I’d still be if “The State” had taken years of my life because of herb..or any other thing I want to do to my own body…? Even my Corrupt-Cop-Brother used to be infuriated by the illegality of weed…he wood bellow…”it’s just a god-damned-weed…it would just grow on the sidewalk if you let it….but because it is illegal..we have to pay hundreds of dollars…for a weed!!!”….So I hope McCain is standing on the Gallows with all of his fellow convicted traitors in the very near future…


      RJ O’Guillory
      Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

  2. ‘Insane’ McCain is trying desperately to change the narrative of his war mongering towards Syria by coming out in favor of legalizing marijuana.

    Doesn’t matter, he’s still a slimy, POS that needs to be shown the door…the door to his prison cell.

  3. Bulldoze a big grave on the front lawn of the white house and start filling it with traitors.When its full we can always dig one at the Pentagon and several other sites for the future leaders to see! This country is lead by nothing but common traitors now!

  4. McCain’s a raving lunatic who doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying from one week to the next.

    He’s fed the daily rhetoric and he repeats it in front of a camera.

    They’d give him a teleprompter like Obama has, but he probably can’t read.

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