John T. Booker Jr. Was Handled by FBI, Drugged and Then Set-Up to “Get Him Off the Streets”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

Late last night I wrote about John T. Booker Jr., 20, of Topeka, who was charged Friday with planning a suicide attack at Fort Riley, just west of Topeka.  I wrote about how John, a.k.a. Muhammed Abdullah Hassan, had been in the ROTC program at his high school and ended up as a Master Sgt in that program before graduating school. I wrote about how it seems he was used to craft a non-existing threat to the military as he signed up in February for the delayed entry program just so he could go online and post a bunch of BS “jihad” material about wanting to sign up so he could stick an officer with a sword or some other such crap. Of course, the FBI “discovered” him on Facebook less than a month later and his military career was put on hold. That was early 2014.  

I also pointed out that “Muhammed Abdullah Hassan” was the subject of a huge manhunt via the FBI and a branch of military intelligence because somehow they managed to lose track of the then 19-year-old kid right up until he was meeting with the FBI’s confidential informant in Oct and being set up for this other “terrorist” threat.

The FBI is searching for a recent Army recruit believed to be planning a “Fort Hood-inspired jihad against U.S. soldiers,” has learned.

The alert, whose legitimacy was confirmed by military and law enforcement officials, stated that a man identified as Booker had told friends of his “intention to commit jihad.” Booker, who is also known as Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, was recruited by the U.S. Army in Kansas City, Mo., in February 2014 and was scheduled to report for basic training on April 7. But he was discharged last week, apparently after law enforcement authorities learned of his alleged plan.

Both the FBI and the 902d Military Intelligence Group at Fort Leavenworth are involved in the hunt. Fox News April 1, 2014

I wondered aloud last night about the wisdom of keeping a guy who they claim wanted to kill officers of the US military out on the streets while they planned the next “terror” attack they could pin on him.

Apparently, I’m not alone in thinking that.

According to this article from the AP, John T. Booker Jr. was brought, by the FBI, to Imam Omar Hazim of the Islamic Center of Topeka for counseling last year during the time the FBI was supposedly looking for him.

Omar Hazim says the kid was clearly mentally ill and shouldn’t be out on the streets. He also said the FBI clearly set him up, according to the feds, in order to “get him off the streets”.

Imam Omar Hazim of the Islamic Center of Topeka told The Associated Press that two FBI agents brought Booker to him last year for counseling, hoping to turn the young man away from radical beliefs. Hazim said the agents told him that Booker suffered from bipolar disorder, characterized by unusual mood swings that can affect functioning.

Hazim said he expressed concerns to the FBI about allowing Booker to move freely in the community after their first encounter.

Hazim said he later heard that two others were involved in a bombing plot with Booker. He said the FBI told him they were undercover FBI agents and that the sting was arranged to get Booker “off the streets.”

I think the two FBI agents set him up, because they felt at that point someone else might have done the same thing and put a real bomb in his hands,” Hazim said. AP

Is that what this country has come to? We have the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT taking BI-POLAR kids “off the streets” by setting them up for a terrorism charge and putting them in prison FOR LIFE?

Bi-polar? Really? If you told me he was diagnosed as a schizophrenic sociopath, well maybe I could possibly understand going to that length to get the guy away from society. But of course, if he were a schizophrenic sociopath he would get a job in Wall Street or perhaps… the FBI… so he wouldn’t be a concern for them, would he?

And correct me if I’m wrong, but how many FBI agents are qualified to make that diagnosis? How many Imams are for that matter?

What this tells us is the FBI never lost track of John T. Booker Jr.  They processed him. They put him on ice on the back burner and they waited till they could cobble together another bomb plot for them to “heroically” foil.

But while they did it, according to them to get the guy “off the streets”, they kept him ON THE STREETS… from March of 2014 to April of 2015… an entire year.

During that time it appears they used the Imam to keep him under control but that apparently wasn’t enough. So, they employed other means: they seem to have drugged him.

He said Booker admitted to him on Tuesday that he had stopped taking his medication because he didn’t like the way it made him feel and it was expensive.

A spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas declined to comment on Hazim’s remarks. AP

So they had him on medication the entire time they were setting him up for the fake terror attack and the Imam was still counseling him right up until Tuesday?

And this devout Muslim never mentioned a word of his planned jihad to his spiritual leader once?

Omar Hazim said in the article that Booker started acting really strange right before the arrest. There’s credibility in that since he claims to have spoken to him last Tuesday before the Friday arrest.

A man accused of plotting a suicide bomb attack on a Kansas military base to help the Islamic State group is mentally ill and was acting strangely days before his arrest, according to a Muslim cleric who said he was counseling him at the FBI’s request. AP

Why would he have been acting strange? Because he was about to blow himself up? But I thought he wanted to be a martyr? You would think he would be overjoyed, right? That’s at least how the criminal complaint reads.

But that’s not the case. Instead I wonder if the FBI didn’t up his dosage knowing full well that their 6 month long project was in the final stages and they didn’t want patsyJohn messing anything up by doing something out of character for him. Something off-script.

I think it’s becoming pretty obvious why this particular foiled bomb plot story is getting so little traction in the press at this time. It looks like it was cobbled together by some of John high school buddies in a group creative writing assignment.

The fact that the FBI handled this troubled kid from beginning to end and ushered him right into prison for their own benefit is obvious. Painfully obvious for those of us humans who think there are better ways to help troubled people “get off the streets” than setting them up for fake terror plots and putting them in prison for life.

But maybe that’s where this country is at this point. You find someone with a weakness and you exploit them for your own purposes. You respect billionaires who do it. You allow the Feds to do it. And you never question it. I guess it’s easier than grappling with the magnitude of something like this being allowed by the FBI in the first place.

According to the AP article (and they could have made this part up) the local Imam and John’s spiritual adviser says he thinks it’s “Ok” that they set him up … because he was bi-polar. He’s just fine with that kind of mental health care system in America. Set up the poor bi-polar kids and send them to prison for life… for something they really didn’t do.

According to the AP article, John’s dad is just glad his son didn’t blow anyone up with the FBI’s bomb because Jr. (literally carries daddy’s name) has been out of the house since he turned 18 and was struggling to find his way in life.

Dear God, what has this country become. Maybe the kid had to be removed because he was the only one in his circle of contacts that wasn’t a schizophrenic sociopath.

4 thoughts on “John T. Booker Jr. Was Handled by FBI, Drugged and Then Set-Up to “Get Him Off the Streets”

  1. Wow! Holy Crap Batman. Federal Bureau of Improvisation are at it again! Oh what a web they weave when they plan to deceive. It is well established that if and when they can ‘put’ someone on these Psycho uptake inhibitors they can and do use their ‘silent weapon’ tech to manipulate, manage and control their patsies. They do this to present the scam that they, the FBI are doing their jobs, to protect and serve. Loads of evidence proves how evil they are. The bible commands His people not to swear to anything. I surmise that we were told this by Him because He knows that if one promises, swears to perform something, which is what an oath IS, that, if you fail to carry that out, you lied. It’s not that anyone doing that won’t or can’t be faithful to do this. It’s that people, generally speaking, will bend under pressures from without, or, vices In the Bible book of Revelations ‘all liars’, are deemed to having committed a crime that is deemed equal to the punishment deserved for murderers! Put that in your thinking pipe and smoke it. ie. Think about that. Rev. 21:8 Our Constitution was written, established and acknowledged as The Supreme Law of Our Lands. ie. The uSA. All of these agencies are lawfully on the low rung of the ‘police power’ ladder. Yet, because of ‘the politicians’, the people have been deemed to be the tail, and they operate as the head under color of law. I could go on. People are being incarcerated, shot on OUR streets. Children are being taken from loving parents and given to pedophiles. etc. This system being propagated by them is based upon fear. The greatest thing to fear is fear itself. ie. Being fearful.=Never having or not presently trusting in our Creator. See Rev. 21:8. The fearful and unbelieving etc. What has become a justifiable get out of jail free card today for the policy enforces who murder? “I feared for my life”.

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