Published on Feb 12, 2016 by Arnold Law, Eugene Lawyers (Oregon)
A joint press conference between the attorneys representing Ammon Bundy, Mike Arnold and Lissa Casey of Arnold Law, State Legislators including Michele Fiore and others from the Coalition of Western States was held on February 12, 2016 following a hearing at the Federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon. Speakers at the press conference worked together in the previous week to help facilitate a peaceful end to the occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon. The views and opinions expressed are those of each speaker and not necessarily those of Arnold Law.
Thank You Mary, Also Thank You Laura and Henry for having this forum for us.
You are welcome Jeno………I can’t imagine the hours Laura and Henry put in to this with only modest compensation. I’ll tell you one thing… If any one of us tried to hire an attorney (perish the thought) to give us just one half of the information Henry puts out on his internet program every day it wouldn’t happen as the price would be so out of reach not to mention Henry could school any attorney anywhere on Common Law. Here we have a man with such integrity and passion and dedication to the cause and yet he receives so little in return. Before any judgment on me as some may think I am well off because I provide prizes for the monthly drawing I have $600.00 in my ‘savings’ account. I do receive a monthly retirement check and on the first of every month I go down to the bank and withdraw it then I go about the business of helping others whether in the form of food, cash, or gifts to raise money. By the end of the month just about every last dime is spent. Then you know what I do? I smile to myself and say thank you into the ethers that I had another opportunity to help in some small way ease someone’s worry. I am not motivated by any god but by the knowing that many are having a hard time and I am obligated to do what I can for whomever I can. My Buck always said ‘take care of each other’ . Henry has my email addy. If any of you need something and there is any way I can be of service to you let Henry know. He will pass it on to me. Wow! All this because Jeno said thank you….haha love you all!
Mary, I wish there were more like you to make this existence more worth while. It’s been since my grandmother’s days that I’ve heard someone talking about the welfare of others with no strings attached. It’s people like you that make the world a better place. Posted at 9:11 I see.
oh wow………9:11 Thanks Millard. I get green paper and use it as a tool to help while I can. It just floors me I can get rice and beans for green paper haha
I sure wish I could send Henry and Laura some zollars but I just can’t give them what I don’t have. I passed Brokesville a couple hundred miles back. I don’t even have internet all the time, but when I do have it, From The Trenches is ALWAYS the first site I go to.
I’m pretty certain Henry knows he will never get rich telling the truth. He isn’t doing it for the money.
I remember Henry and JD talking about it on the radio a while back. They said they could be sitting pretty with all kinds of funds. Like Alex Jewnes. All they had to do was tow the corporate line. But then of course, they wouldn’t be able to tell anyone the truth about anything.
We may all be broke as hell, but at least we can come to this site and see and hear the truth and it’s all thanks to Henry, Laura and JD. Also, thanks to all the people who send in stories that we can all get mad as heck about in the comment sections.
Hey, I just thought of a pretty good tagline.
From The Trenches World
Where the truth isn’t for sale.
That is awesome!
I don’t care how big her boobs are, I still don’t trust Fiore. I wouldn’t trust any of em to argue their way out of a wet paper bag. The only one I sorta liked was the fella representing the Finicum family. At least he came right out and said it was an ambush and murder.
Henry is right. If the Bundy’s and Mr. Finicum had just been honest from the start this whole thing would’ve gone completely different.
The truth will set you free…or in Mr. Finicum’s case, it might have saved his life.
the best part was the statement that LaVoy was murdered. Fiore’s heart may be in the right place IF she is ignorant of the fact that there is no government but a fraudulent corporation at every level running the show. We cannot afford ignorance.
Mormons have hot ladies. … that I can say.
I do have to say her breasts are impressive.
Maybe they’ll persuade the Judge… if he/she isn’t gay.
Or maybe she can use them as a weapon.
Call council chambers in the Judge’s area then beat him…or her to death with those two unregistered weapons.
“Hey your honor, get a load of these!’
Judge: “I can’t remember what I was going to say…Hell! I can’t even remember my own name!”
Flee, I want you and TC both to know that you are sick and twisted individuals………………………I respect that! 🙂
I am what they’ve made me.
Like Flee said…..I’m a product of my environment.
Lol as a man I have to agree, placement of certain individuals can and will distract.
Looked like a manatee convention. But that’s just me.
Looked like a manatee convention. But that’s just me.
I am waiting for the request of we should get our first amendment rights in jail why not second amendment rights too! This fat chick from Nevada is clueless.
Be nice…
Fat girls need loving too!
Double the pleasure double the fun.
I gotta admit, I was busily polishing my pistol and when she yelled out “Well maybe we should all just go back to England!” I dang near shot my foot off.
Never polish a loaded pistol.
I reference to the women, it’s like my friend Norm used to say:
“I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eatin’ crackers”.
My non-PC thoughts just popped out.