Joseph Kent Kidnapped on Live TV at Baltimore Riots ‪#‎JosephKent Protester Taken by National Guard

Published on Apr 29, 2015 by Sizzling Hot News

In the clip you can see Kent walking across a street with his hands up.

Soon an armored hum-vee drives towards him. When it’s in front of him, CNN cameras show a group of National Guard troops surrounding Kent and throwing him. It should be noted that the incident happened after the 10 p.m. curfew that has been enforced on the city following nights of civil unrest.

Baltimore based lawyer Stephen Beatty tweeted at 2:30 a.m. that Kent was at Baltimore Central Booking & Intake Center awaiting processing.

In the clip you can see Kent walking across a street with his hands up. Soon an armored hum-vee drives towards him. When it’s in front of him, CNN cameras show a group of National Guard troops surrounding Kent and throwing him.

It should be noted that the incident happened after the 10 p.m. curfew that has been enforced on the city following nights of civil unrest.

7 thoughts on “Joseph Kent Kidnapped on Live TV at Baltimore Riots ‪#‎JosephKent Protester Taken by National Guard

    1. Likely another

      crisis actor

      POS being used to further The Agenda being used to facilitate the expedient demise of America.

  1. This is funny. I was watching CNN when I was in the store earlier tonight and Anderson Cooper was on doing his wonderfully staged masterpiece on the NYC “protesters” as he calls them that were marching around some of the streets in NYC tonight, while he was switching back and forth over to Baltimore in order to stir up a non-existent hysteria.

    First of all, the “protesters” in NYC (if you even want to call them that) were nothing more than a group of college kids (around 50 or so) who looked like they were walking to and from class and only one of them was holding a sign of any kind of protest. The others look like they were either trying to get home or go to their next class. Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper and his fellow reporters were shown walking with them and trying to make it seem like the people were marching and protesting. I mean it was literally them following a group of college kids and saying back to the camera, “Look everyone, their marching. It’s out of control!”.

    In addition to that, when they come back from a commercial break, you can see Anderson Cooper smirking when he thought he was off camera and then his face immediately changed to serious and worried when he realized he was back on again. Typical CNN. They’ve gotten caught staging shit so many times that they don’t even care anymore that they get caught on camera staging everything.

    Finally, I find it more than a coincidence that these two “riots”/”protests” are happening (with another set to happen soon in Cincinnati from what I heard) all in the NORTH while the Jade Helm exercises and disputes are happening in the SOUTH (which are of course being conveniently blacked out by the media)

    Coincidence? I think not!

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