5 thoughts on “Judge Napolitano on Clinton case-someone will be indicted soon

  1. Yeah…. and Jesus is coming back too!
    Well….. we’re still waiting.
    Hurry the fk up!
    Looks like we have another no show.

  2. Indicted soon my eye.

    Slap that treasonous, bull-dyke bitch in handcuffs, and chuck her in a cell with a clogged toilet already.

    That miserable wench is guilty of treason during wartime, which is a capitol offense in our society, meaning the tyrannical, traitorous, bitch needs to be hanged from a tree when she’s found guilty; NOT pardoned. HANGED.

    Don’t settle for less. If another lying sack of schit gets on the tube and tells America “rather than punish HIllary, we need to move on, and heal as a nation”, then that son of a bitch needs to be hanged right next to her.

  3. Someone.. yeah someone , but not the someone that should be

    and indictment is one thing .. a conviction and sentence is what we really need , and its what she deserves

    I wonder who the patsy will be for this

  4. hitlery is “too corrupt to jail”.

    She would take the whole shebang down with her flappy lips and double speak.

    Only the American public would benefit from an indictment, so, it is far beyond a ‘forgone conclusion’, that she will never see a hand-cuff or a mug-shot.

  5. Judge Napolitono, almost as much authority as “Judge Judy”, says what? Who give’s a F’ what that douchebag has to say?

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