‘Sandy Hook Was Not Like Columbine’: Expert Whistleblower Tears Apart Gov’t Story

21st Century Wire

In one of his most candid and detailed interviews to date, decorated national school safety executive Wolfgang Halbig raises serious concerns and identifies a long list of anomalies and unanswered questions surrounded the Sandy Hook ‘event’ that took place in December 2012.

In addition to being one of the country’s foremost experts on school safety and emergency management, Halbig was also a veteran response worker assigned to the tragic Columbine Shooting in Colorado in 1999.  

Comparing the two events – Sandy Hook and Columbine, Halbig can see no similarities in law enforcement reaction, crime scene management, and in fact presents a strong case that Sandy Hook appears to be a ‘staged event’ (for what purpose, he does not speculate), complete with a narrative, props and actors, followed by a comprehensive government cover-up – one that reaches the highest levels of local and federal law enforcement, FBI and leading all the way to the White House.

Listen to this latest astonishing interview breaking down of the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’:

What you are going to hear may shock some of you…

Who is Wolfgang Halbig?

Halbig was drafted during the Vietnam War, where he served in the United States Air Force from 1966 through 1970, as a certified combative measures instructor and a disaster preparedness instructor. After an Honorable Discharge, he graduated from Abilene Christian College in Abilene, Texas. After graduating, he became a Florida State Trooper, followed by a career in coaching and teaching which spanned 30 years career as an educator.

Later he served as Director of School Safety for Seminole County Schools, and Risk Manager for Lake County Schools in Tavares, and was later appointed by the Governor to serve on the State of Florida Safe Schools Commission, working with the US Department of Justice to provide training nationwide to school superintendents, principals and school resource officers on all aspects of school safety and security, through a program called COPS. Later Halbig became a certified FEMA response team leader and presently consults on a national level regarding emergency preparedness and school safety.

He’s as qualified as anyone in his field – and he is questioning a number of gaping holes in the official version of events at Sandy Hook.

Authorities have a lot of questions to answer about this so-called ‘mass shooting’.

The public certainly deserves to know the truth…


One thought on “‘Sandy Hook Was Not Like Columbine’: Expert Whistleblower Tears Apart Gov’t Story

  1. ‘Sandy Hook Was Not Like Columbine’

    I got news for you Sherlock: Columbine wasn’t like Columbine, either.

    At least three witnesses to multiple shooters (other than the stupid, SSRI drugged kids), hundreds of pounds of bombs moved to the scene by others, people being shot where the alleged shooters never were. (for starters)

    Nice job on Sandy Hoax, Halbig (Big Hal?), but don’t focus all your attention on one event. We’re in a world of illusion and Sandy Hoax just scratches the surface.

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