Judge Wants To Force A Printer To Make Pro-Gay T-Shirts

The Daily Caller – by Tristyn Bloom

An administrative law judge has ruled that a Kentucky printer’s refusal to print gay pride T-shirts “constitutes unlawful discrimination,” and, by extension, that printers cannot refuse to print materials promoting ideas they disagree with.

Hands On Originals is a business that prints custom designs on clothes, accessories and other items like mugs and bottles. According to the ruling, Blaine Adamson, its managing owner, “instructed his sales representatives to decline to design, print, or produce orders whenever the requested material was perceived to promote an event or organization that conveys messages that are considered by the sales representative or Mr. Adamson to be inappropriate or inconsistent with Christian beliefs.”  

Don Lowe, board member of the Gay and Lesbian Services Organization, contacted three different printing companies in February 2012 about t-shirts for an upcoming gay pride festival, including Hands On Originals. A HOO sales representative approved the design without consulting Adamson, and Adamson didn’t see the design until weeks later, when Lowe called Adamson asking how to pay the deposit and attempting to negotiate a lower price.

During their conversation, Lowe told Adamson that the GLSO was sponsoring the Lexington Pride Festival, “the region’s up and coming premiere festival for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning community and its allies,” according to their website. At this point Adamson said his company would not be willing to print material “for an event that encouraged people to be proud of their same-sex behavior,” in the words of the ruling, but offered to give Lowe the name of another company that would do the same work for the same price. Lowe declined, and within a month a complaint was filed with Lexington’s Human Rights Commission.

In November 2012 the Commission found that HOO violated the local “Fairness Ordinance,” which “prohibits a public accommodation from discriminating against individuals based upon their sexual orientation or gender identity.” Adamson disagreed, arguing that his refusal was not motivated by Lowe’s sexual identity, but by Adamson’s own religious beliefs. “[Hands On Originals] and its owners did not want to convey the ideological message that people should take pride in engaging in sexual relationships or sexual activity outside of a marriage between one man and one woman,” as the ruling explained. Adamson does, however, regularly do business with and employ homosexual people.

Adamson’s lawyers also argued out that the GLSO, who filed the complaint, “does not have standing to bring a complaint of discrimination before the Lexington-Fayette County Human Rights Commission” because only individuals may do so. Luckily for the GLSO, nonprofits are people too, because of a Kentucky statute that defines “person” as “one or more individuals, labor organizations, joint apprenticeship committees, partnerships, associations, corporations,” and so on.


5 thoughts on “Judge Wants To Force A Printer To Make Pro-Gay T-Shirts

  1. So if someone wants them to print t-shirts that say kill obama and all of congress and take out the judges too, then they by law would have to do it right? Can you sell those on the white house lawn?

  2. Just slow play the queers. Mis-print the first shirt with something offensive to the bastards, then say you need more time to get it right. Do that until their little shin-dig is past. Or just tell them to pound a snake up their ass and the human rights communism too. These 2 percenters sure love killing Christians and their businesses. Wait and get them in a dark alley is probably the best course of action.

    1. “Wait and get them in a dark alley is probably the best course of action.” is my preference. That’s how we did it back in the day.

  3. This is why they call it the JEWdicial system. The jews have been infiltrating it and using it to push their agendas for a hundred years.

  4. A women can ban Muslims from her gun range and not sell guns to them and that is OK. But they do not want to sell stuff to fags and that is wrong. What the hell has happened to this country

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