Kansas State Gaming Special Agent Harry Spencer dismantled by The Dismantle Group

Published on Apr 5, 2014 by TheDismantleGroup

The Dismantle Group has been working on an investigation into public corruption involving a small police department in Sedgwick County Kansas.

Founder Patrick Boucard has discovered severe veracity issues and possible criminal conduct hidden by top commanders in the police department, city government, and Sedgwick County DAs office specifically involving HARRY SPENCER.

Special Agent Spencer is currently a State of Kansas Gaming Officer at the Kansas Star Casino. His past history has been hidden by numerous law enforcement agencies and chiefs of police.

Mr. Spencer…..you’ve just been DISMANTLED.

What you are about to see and read has taken me over 4 years to investigate. This is all available through the Kansas Open Records Act.

See attached Police Report about Mr. Spencer in Great Bend.

1. Why was Harry Spencer forced to resign from Great Bend KS PD?

2. Why did Harry Spencer leave Lebo KS PD?

3. Why was Harry Spencer allowed to resign from Hesston KS PD?

4. Why didn’t Harry Spencer complete his required in-service training at Hesston?

5. Why did Bel Aire KS Police Chief John Dailey hire Harry Spencer….then PROMOTE him to LT?

6. How did Harry Spencer get a promotion and pay raise to get a state job at the Kansas Gaming Commission with his history? Who signed off on his background check at Bel Aire KS PD?

7. Why did Harry Spencer hang up on me?

8. What are you prepared to do if you have been or soon to be arrested by this law enforcement officer?

9. Whose fault is it for this man to continue wearing a badge?

10. Spread this to every single person you know to stand up and fight for your rights.

Become…….a DISMANTLER.

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