Kids traumatized after SWAT team ransacks wrong home

The Kalamazoo SWAT Team (Source: Tyler Tjomsland / Kalamazoo Gazette)Police State USA

KALAMAZOO, MI — A family was terrorized and accosted when a masked paramilitary outfit unexpectedly broke through their back door.  Frightened children hid in a closet as the masked invaders spent hours tearing apart all the possessions in the home.  The family assumed they were being attacked by robbers, but it turned out to be a SWAT team sent from the local “Department of Public Safety.”

The incident happened on May 1st, and has been the source of continued nightmares for the two children who experienced it, ages 7 and 8.  

It began as the family was jolted to attention by the sound of their rear entrance being breached.  The door was splintered as the men kicked it in.

“I thought it was somebody either trying to rob us, or hurt us,” said homeowner Jeremy Handley to WWMT.

Jeremy and his wife, Becky, were forced to the floor by masked agents at gunpoint.  They were handcuffed and searched.

The Handley children, Aurora and Brenden, ran for cover in their bedroom closet.  The men began ransacking the house.

Becky Handley demonstrates how she was forced to the ground at gunpoint.  (Source: Newschannel 3 WWMT)

It was soon evident that the men were no ordinary home invaders.  They were SWAT agents from the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety (KDPS).

They searched “every drawer, every cabinet, every piece of paper,” said Mr. Handley to WWMT.

The intensive 3-hour search eventually led them to find the terrified children, and they were brought out and forced to watch as their parents lay helplessly bound, face-down on the floor.

Finally, hours later, the police had found nothing they came for.  They apparently were looking for a man that had rented the property over a year before they had even moved in.  The intended target was suspected of possessing substances without government permission.

The Handley children hid in a closet from the masked raiders who broke into their home.  (Source: Newschannel 3 WWMT)

Despite the sheepish apology from the inept department, the family’s experience with the police state will leave a lasting impression on all involved.

The children say the incident has made them “sad and scared,” and they are suffering from recurring nightmares of armed men entering their home.

Their father says they may need therapy to get over their fear of the police.

There are no shortage of stories of families being terrorized, broken apart, and violated in the name of theWar on Drugs — by far the biggest target of militarized SWAT teams in the police state.   The Handleys have discovered, as many others have before them, that a family doesn’t have to partake in contraband substances to have their lives rocked by the aggressive police trying to stop people from getting high.   It is imperative that we call for an end to the Drug War.

Kalamazoo SWAT arriving in an armored truck.  File photo.  (Souce: KDPS)

7 thoughts on “Kids traumatized after SWAT team ransacks wrong home

  1. What drug war?????
    CIA brings drugs into the country in some of the most outrageous ways, takes down competitors (South America), launders money through the American (Citibank for one) and other nations banks, uses the money for black ops, attacks the citizens of the nation to confiscate that which they supplied, lawyers make a fortune defending the innocent as well as the guilty, police departments are hands tied in fighting against it (book-Crossing the Rubicon). Guilty as well as innocent spend years in jail. Finally the stupid corrupt government declares a war on the people claiming it is against drugs and we all sit back and say…..What the F#(K.

    What am I missing here?

  2. Here’s some good info if you live in FLA….
    Florida statute 790. 15
    Any person can discharge a firearm on private property so long as it’s
    done in a safe manner and the bullet does not pass over a paved road
    or occupied premise….
    So you can have your own range in your back yard..
    They keep this info quite and is not generally known…

  3. In 1963, President Kennedy wanted to disband the CIA after it was clear that a “rogue” element had infiltrated deep into the agency, an element that today is even bigger and more powerful. Kennedy wanted to also eliminate the Federal Reserve and print our own money interest free, a no-no with the Banksters, and he also was to cut off Israel from all aid as it was discovered that they were stealing American nuke secrets and infiltrating our Intelligence Agency’s, which they have done successfully up till today.

    At the same time, part of the “rogue” CIA element was working the drug trade in Afghanistan and using the drug money to both fill private accounts and coffers and to fund “black ops” that even the President and Congress had no Knowledge of. It just so happened that Bush senior, at the time, was the senior CIA agent in charge in Afghanistan. Bush stated the he was not in Dallas when the assassination took place as he was out of country, but amateur video has surfaced of him exiting a hotel in downtown Dallas the day of the assassination.

    Yep – Then there is the Iran-Contra Affair where the CIA and other agencies were moving drugs back and forth from S. America, and the Medina Affair, where Clinton was part of the South American drug movement. It was revealed that duffel bags of money and drugs were being transported and moved between S. America and Arkansas, where Clinton was witnessed helping himself to bags of money and drugs in between these shipments.

    The book “Red Cocaine”, written by the former Soviet Unions General who was in Charge of drug trafficking in both Europe and America, reveals that the KGB and CIA were constantly in competition with each other for total control of the world drug trade. So, the US and its agency’s have been involved in the drug trade for years, for decades, and are as criminally guilty as any “cartel” in the world.

    1. JFk’s biggest mistake was speaking about what he was planning to do prior to simply taking action.

  4. Every week I hear of a SWAT team busting into the wrong house. Are these idiots so stupid that they can’t even get an address right?

    At least the postal workers who can’t understand addresses only deliver mail to the wrong house so there’s no real harm being done, but this breed of government-employed moron breaks down doors, terrorizes kids, and shoots people as well as their dogs.

    If there were a legitimate “gun control” movement they would concentrate their efforts on disarming the armed retards who collect government checks because they seem to be a lot more dangerous to our society than criminals have ever been.

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