La Raza, MSNBC Furious with CA Citizens Who Turned Back Buses of Illegal Aliens

Breitbart – by Robert Wilde

La Raza (The Race) President Janet Murguia told MSNBC’s Alex Wagner that the residents of Murrieta protesting the arrival ofthree buses of illegal aliens was “appalling and outrageous.”

Wagner, who hosts Now with Alex Wagner, on Wednesday led off the show saying that the protests were “a shameful moment to be an American to see people treated like that… people seeking a new day in America.”  

As reported by IJReview, Murguia went on to tell Wagner that these residents are “extremists” and are acting as “vigilantes.” Moreover, she complained “that they were able to control an outcome, determine an outcome. We have to honor a process. These buses were filled with women and mostly children, children who are escaping violence and gangs in their countries.” Murguia did not address whether the passengers in the buses had honored a process of legal immigration to the United States.

Wagner added that, “What is also confounding to me, these people apparently are able to dictate deportation policy insofar as 150 anti-immigrant protesters turned the buses around.”


10 thoughts on “La Raza, MSNBC Furious with CA Citizens Who Turned Back Buses of Illegal Aliens

  1. You tell when you’re hitting the target when the usual suspects scream the loadest. Carry on.

  2. Racist is becoming a household word. Yawn. The Desert Sun reported
    on what was coming for the passionate Americans when/if the buses
    arrived. Our American flags were being burned and ripped in pieces.
    I guess the pro-illegal immigrant protestors shld go the way of Mexico
    and Central America. The good protestors played “God Bless America”

  3. The only good La Raza b#tch is a DEAD LA RAZA B#TCH!


    Remember, they’d do the same to you & I.

    No mercy.

  4. Law enforcement doing what they do best,anything they are told to do for a paycheck and f#@k the Constitution and YOUR RIGHTS! Now THEY are trafficking in illegal invaders and they are fully aware of exactly what they are doing. But be sure to wear your seat belt of the bastards will issue you a citation!

  5. If you want to see what the Aztec civilization was all about see ” Apacholipto ” . Then realize that those people have till the same customs, beliefs and attitudes toward everyone else. They not only are racist in every direction, but they are a bunch of blood thirsty savages as well. I can count on one hand the number of them I have any use for. The rest should actually be rounded up, all their ill-gotten gains confiscated, and thrown out of the country. I’d put them on the slowest Chinese container ship I could find and send those ships to Tierra Del Fuego and toss them off and let them swim with the penguins or ashore. Don’t care which. Let the Chile, or Argentine government deal with them.

    Many run ins with them I’ve had during the course of my life. Sorry, but at least to me that population group has a public relations nightmare on their hands, and are too stupid or arrogant to realize it.

    By the way La Raza is a terrorist agency of a foreign power. Up to me they’d be gone yesterday.

    1. I don’t know much about the Aztec’s but I did read once that they would
      have humans in cages and use them when needed to eat. I thought
      this was wildly barbaric.

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