American Everyman – by Scott Creighton
Global warming is having all kinds of interesting side effects, isn’t it? Feed the proletariat protein bars. That’s the latest out of a UN study. After all, we can’t expect EVERYONE gets steak. To much cow farting for that and there’s always that “global warming” to think about. So let’s give them “protein bars” instead:
What is nutritious, delicious, and has six legs? If we could collectively get over our disgust at the six legged critters, insects could become a staple of the human diet, along with fish, and other kinds of meat, a new UN report argues.
The Food and Agriculture organisation FAO hailed members of the insect world as an under-utilised resource, in the report which was released this Monday. By 2050, world population is slated to reach 9 billion, arable land is shrinking due to climate change, and oceans are increasingly overfished. Incorporating bugs into our diet could alleviate some of those problems, the report argues…
… “Food we are currently consuming is artificially cheap. Negative environmental externalities aren’t factored into food prices, and farm subsidies artificially lower prices. We are facing a crisis; if the price of meat was increased to reflect its true costs, people would be forced to consider alternative options.”, says Afton Halloran, one of the paper’s coauthors, a UCPH alumnus to the University Post…
For one thing, as insects are cold-blooded, they are efficient in converting feed into food, according to the report. On average, grasshoppers require 12 times less feed to produce a kilogram of edible mass than cattle. They also produce fewer greenhouse gasses…University Post
All we have to do is “collectively” get over the notion that the rich are going to be feeding bugs to poor people while they dine on steak. Just get over that and everything will neat-o-keen.
Oh wait, you haven’t heard the best part…
… and (bugs) can be fed on organic waste streams. University Post
That’s right. Your shit. Pump your raw sewage straight to the industrial bug farms and watch the profits grow as the poor literally eat their own excrement.
Still think Snowpiercer was fiction?
Prole masses in the back of the train eat “protein bars” and believe everyone on the train does as well.
Snowpiercer ends with people deciding “you know what? It’s better to crash this system than remain on it forever”
Perhaps the ingested insect DNA had something to do with it.
Mussolini himself said it was better to live a day as a lion than a 100 years as a sheep. He also said he would rather smash the heads of his opposition (socialists) than negotiate with them.
Perhaps there is a lesson in that for us before the think tanks and influence peddlers start trying to get us to eat our own shit to serve their interests better.
Now I have to go to sleep with this knowledge, dammit!
Let the NWO scumbags eat dirt.
From six feet under, of course.