Liam Neeson: Number of guns in U.S. ‘a disgrace’

Fox News

Action star Liam Neeson thinks its okay to have lots of guns in his movies, but not okay for U.S. citizens to have lots of guns.

While promoting “Taken 3” in Dubai, Neeson told Gulf News “there’s too many [expletive] guns out there. Especially in America. I think the population is like, 320 million? There’s over 300 million guns. Privately owned, in America. I think it’s a [expletive] disgrace.”  

Neeson, however, does a 180 when it comes to his attitude toward make believe guns, especially those in his popular “Taken” franchise.

“A character like Bryan Mills going out with guns and taking revenge: it’s fantasy. It’s in the movies, you know?” he explained. “I think it can give people a great release from stresses in life and all the rest of it, you know what I mean? It doesn’t mean they’re all going to go out and go, ‘Yeah, let’s get a gun!”

18 thoughts on “Liam Neeson: Number of guns in U.S. ‘a disgrace’

  1. You’re a disgrace Mr. Neeson. Go live in a foreign country where guns are not allowed to be owned by citizens and see how well it goes for you.

  2. I will never look at Neeson the same again!! Just painted a terrible image every time I see him now. You blew it, go to North Korea, Cuba, China,etc…
    Will never purchase a movie with him in it, so he gets no proceeds. If I see one at the thrift store, that’s where I’ll buy it. Thanks for reminding the world that you’d best not mess with the most heavily armed people in the world. That is the only plus to his moronic statements!

  3. Typical dumb Paddy, especially after a few drinks. There is a reason why there are so many Irish Jokes. As Bill Engvall would say ” here’s your sign”.

  4. I think it’s funny when dimwitted actors whose occupation is reading lines someone else wrote for them decodes to speak out and think anyone in the world would give a good goddamn what they have to say………if he is like most actors his IQ is somewhere south of a donkey……….and by the way, his movies STINK

  5. “I think it can give people a great release from stresses in life…”

    That’s why we own guns, Liam.

  6. Liam Neeson, complete waste of flesh, thinks he knows what’s best for us. What a fool who’s next film should be entitled, “I’m a dumbass”, now, shut up and watch my lackluster performance in this latest piece of shit movie, “I will continue to use violence and guns in my movies because I’m a legend in my own mind”. (These are not direct quotes but a summation of what a “dumbass” he is.)

    1. A long rifle, shotgun, and a pistol are the bare necessities. Oh yes, I’d love to have a CIARII805-N-GP Wasr-10 Hi Cap 30+1 semi auto NATO 762 but, hey, ya can’t have everything!

      1. Millard. I’m in about the same spot you are. no money anymore to buy better tools. However, i do know how to use what i have.


  7. To quote my wife, “No matter how many you have, it’s never enough.”

    My reply, “……and your point is?”

  8. And I loved this guy as an actor.

    F**K YOU, NEESON! You’re a disgrace!

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

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